NECA's Ultimate Sesame Street Action Figures


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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What's a "Haulathon"? :confused:
It's a promotion Target runs where various companies put up Target exclusives or figures that Target gets to sell first before other retailers.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Interesting how NECA is doing fur sculpts vs. Palisades. That Big Bird is way more articulated than I thought it would be, though I'll have his right arm hugging his body permanently. I love that they included the season 1 head when they could have easily made that an exclusive. Also, if they are this far along with Big Bird I hope we get a Follow that Bird blue variant this summer, even if it's before the regular release.

I really want to see more of Oscar. I assume he will have detachable arms and you can pull the body up. The dream would be if he had feet that attach to the bottom of the can too like Palisades had planned. Oscar was my most wanted figure from that canceked line.

Seems the Sesame line is somewhat popular and getting attention. I hope we see releases coming fast after this initial year.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks for posting the video. I'd expect some sort of dumbbells accessory for Herry, and it'd be an articulated unibrow similar to Animal's cause Herry has a unibrow like :frown:.

Interesting that every figure will have a pack-in buddy. Bernice the Pigeon with Bert, Rubber Duckie with Ernie, a Muppet bat that could be taken as Lyuba with The Count, Slimey the Worm and Grubby Duckie with Oscar, Radar with Big Bird, and Hercules with Herry.

Though I'm not a big fan of extra heads/hands as accessories, I'm really excited for this line and where it goes forward.