Just wanted to report.... I got both Bert and Ernie in hand now and they are exquisite!!! Beautiful figures.... the presentation and accessories are awesome. These are truly some of the best Henson related figures ever, if not the best by far(?). I've got a very large collection of the Palisades and these are just a dream to have. I hope the line continues on and on. I can't wait for the Count. I will say, I'm not big on the extra head concept that seems popular these days. I'm very fine with just one head. I prefer the open mouth pose. To me switching the heads feels a little harsh on the toy... like putting strain on it and I had a hard time getting the Bert alternate head on and snug. I'd rather it just come with one head securely attached.... same with the hands... I don't really need all the extra hands... but this is just me, I'm sure others love it. If the figure could come with just one head and one set of hands and maybe be a few bucks cheaper, I'd much rather have that. But overall, this is not a complaint. They are amazing, I love them so and they bring me great joy!!!! Thanks to NECA for doing this. I've been waiting ever since Palisades went out of business (the biggest tragedy in the history of figs, imo).
I'm so looking forward to Count, Oscar and wave 2, which sounds like it may be Grover, Cookie, etc..... That Super Grover is one of the very few Palisades figures I haven't dropped the money on... but I'm constantly tempted. I'll probably cave soon and buy one. I'd love to find a deal on a loose Super Grover,... I don't need them in packages...I always open all my figures. For the record I got both Ernie and Bert from Toy Snowman , a store in Canada....they appeared from ToySnowman briefly at different times while I was searching via the Walmart.com site and I was able to snag them. So happy to finally have them. Cheers!!