An interview with Trevor from NECA was posted earlier.
It's almost an hour and most of it is just Trevor talking about what he wants to do with the line and how he was involved with Palisades back in the day before the Sesame line was canceled. But there are a few bits of info to take from the interview.
We should expect to see some new stuff at Toy Fair in 2 months.
Bert, Ernie, and Count are all on their way to the US so Counts preorder should be going up soon and will likely ship soon after.
They are fully aware of all the obscure characters and will take this line as far as sales will allow it. So, if you are wondering if they will do a certain character, the answer is likely yes, but only if sales are strong.
They are aiming for the 70s to 80s look of the characters. If they do a diorama, I would expect they pull from the same era. This may also mean we are less likely to get characters like Zoe and Rositta early in the line, but that is pure speculation on my part.
Big Bird may already be in the design stage as Trevor spoke about the dimensions of the box and figure.
Bert's unibrow is swappable between his heads. This means he has 4 expression options. His hair is also removable for potential future accessories like various hats. No word if Ernie is the same.
There will likely be multiple variants of main characters (pending strong sales) that are based on classic skits. Examples given were Bert with a removable magnetic nose that can be put on a clay bust accessory, winter gear variants, Ernie with fishing gear, and even the outfits they wore in the mummy skit.
Some figures will have hinged jaws if the articulation can be hidden (probably Big Bird).
The 4th figure is almost certain to be Oscar. They mentioned almost every character except Oscar and then showed an unpainted gray scale prototype of his trash can at the end. I would expect a full reveal at Toy Fair.