Ah, goodness...
You know, when I see that there's a new post in this thread (or any of my fanfics), I feel equal parts excitement and dread, because I know it means I'm being nagged. It's great, because it means people remember and enjoy these stories... but also not so great, because I rarely have good news to reply with.
Here's an idea of what's going on in my life, and you can decide for yourselves how likely an update is.
The main thing is that we're trying to get my grandma's house ready to put on the market. The past... hm, four weekends now? have been devoted to doing things like tearing up carpet, filling holes in the walls, painting, sanding, cleaning... We're almost done, but there are still piles and boxes full of STUFF that needs to come out of the house. Our next task, though, is to clean the bathrooms (which are a little less than halfway done, I think) and empty one of the freezers--the one that's bigger than some refrigerators and unexpectedly thawed, then re-froze, thus ruining ALL of the food that was in it... and believe me, there was a lot. We're doing all of this while dealing with the fact that Grandma is going downhill fast--not so much physically, but mentally. Suffice it to say that she's been moved to the psych ward of the hospital.
The stuff with Grandma's house that I can actually help with will probably be done by the end of the month... just in time for June. In June (and in August, actually) I'm participating in something called Camp NaNoWriMo, which involves trying to write 50,000 words in one month. My goal for June is to finish the story I started with NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November, which I wrote 50,000 words of without finishing. To give you an idea of how much writing that entails... This story, at its current posted length, is 26,236 words. It's sheer insanity, yes, but I've found it's also a great way for me to actually DO some of the writing that I can eventually publish and (in theory) make money on.
Then there's the fact that my parents have decided to start charging me ten dollars for every day that I'm not "productive for my future," whatever that means. It apparently includes working at Grandma's house and reading a self-help book my mom recommended, but it's really more about applying for jobs like mad.
The other thing in June is that I'm signed up for a motorcycle safety class. (Woohoo!) That's only in the afternoons for two weekends... if you don't include the one-on-one instruction I'm signed up for beforehand and the actual testing for my motorcycle license. I also need to get my motorcycle permit and read through the textbook before the class... and I need to get more confident on a bicycle before I add an engine to the equation. (It's just not as much fun when you have to pedal...)
So... that pretty much sums up my life right now. I'd love to do some fanfic writing when I can find the time, but of course I can't guarantee which fanfic story I would necessarily work on. "Puppy Love" is probably the most likely candidate of what I have on the forum, but lately my minds have wandered back to one of the Fraggle stories I thought of... gosh, a year and a half ago, I guess. But let the record show that the recent demonstration of interest in
this story has been duly noted.
Having said all that... Miss Kermie, I might be more inclined to put some more effort into helping maintain whatever remains of your sanity if you threw a little "please" in there.