Commercial rant time...


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I haven't seen these either. Could it be a regional thing?


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Sep 17, 2011
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I haven't seen these either. Could it be a regional thing?
Well I haven't seen atleast the midol one in over a year, but again, I can't go out much, I watch a LOT o TV. I'm also possibly narcoleptic and for whatever reason it's characteristic to not be able to sleep at night, which I don't. It could also be watch channels you watch, your provider, etc.


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Sep 17, 2011
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Also I just saw that Sofia Vegara commercial.... ugh. It doesn't surprise me, I feel like her boobs are her only claim to fame. She's terribly offensive and has some pretty terrible racist/xenophobic and otherwise insensitive things. She loves to flaunt those things.

Plus I hate the "You're a women so dress like one!" thing that I see everywhere. I don't think anyone should be pressured into dressing a certain way because of what's in their pants.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Also I just saw that Sofia Vegara commercial.... ugh. It doesn't surprise me, I feel like her boobs are her only claim to fame.
I... kinda think that are... I mean, when you hear people talk about her, one thing they always mention is how "Va Va Voooooom" she is, then afterwards, they're like, "Oh yeah., she's the star of that sitcom, I forget which, since they're all the same these days..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I just hate when celebs have their own line of clothes. Maybe because I'm still shaken up by a certain former and now current daytime talk show co-host that made hers in a sweat shop.

And I mean... yeah, a hot celebrity is going to make clothes for sale at a store that potato-y people frequent. Something about that's strange. Even the "average" women in that commercial are super models compared to the people who actually buy that stuff.

Seriously, it's like:

all the way at the bottom is K-Mart.

It's like a freaking hurricane and tornado went through it every time I make the mistake of walking into one. it's... it's a VERY sad store. I feel an overwhelming despair when I look around there. And the prices aren't that great.


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Sep 17, 2011
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I just hate when celebs have their own line of clothes. Maybe because I'm still shaken up by a certain former and now current daytime talk show co-host that made hers in a sweat shop.

And I mean... yeah, a hot celebrity is going to make clothes for sale at a store that potato-y people frequent. Something about that's strange. Even the "average" women in that commercial are super models compared to the people who actually buy that stuff.

Seriously, it's like:

all the way at the bottom is K-Mart.

It's like a freaking hurricane and tornado went through it every time I make the mistake of walking into one. it's... it's a VERY sad store. I feel an overwhelming despair when I look around there. And the prices aren't that great.
Oh god... who is that? I don't buy celebrity clothes, in fact the closest I ever came is having the same shirt as a former AI contestant from Cape Cod, which we most likely bought from the same place. But I just want to know to avoid everything from them ever.

And as for K-Mart.... I think it's like that in every K-Mart, but we're both from MA apparently so who the **** knows we could mean the same one. I don't want to imagine that there might be one worse than the one in Brockton. Your description is pretty bad. I haven't been in there for over year though, almost 2. That I or I repressed the memory.

Wal-Mart is just... it's in the middle. But what's worse is how people turn into idiots in those stores. You never realize how stupid people are until you need an electric cart they provide to get around.

And you make a good point, I don't see a lot of really thinner people buying those celebrity lines... But those are mostly women's clothes and I dress to confuse the masses so they can play "Is that a guy or a girl?" so I'm never in the women's section. I know here there are stores that sell nicer stuff for the same or lower price for people of all sizes.

Infact, I was in Sears the other day, not quite the same, I know, waiting for my uncle to finish in the bathroom and I overheard some lady on her cell phone talking to someone about picking up something for them from the Kardashian line... Only because it was the closest thing to the description of the person on the other end of the line wanted, not because the liked the Karashians or their identical tastes in style.

Because really, who wants to dress like a woman who's famous for having a father who helped his friend get off murdering his wife and ex's best friend, hanging out with Paris Hilton and publishing a sex-tape?

Though in the Sofia commercial... it's SO **** bizarre. When she's saying 'You're a woman, so dress like one!' she morphs into an obese black woman for a second.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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And as for K-Mart.... I think it's like that in every K-Mart, but we're both from MA apparently so who the **** knows we could mean the same one. I don't want to imagine that there might be one worse than the one in Brockton. Your description is pretty bad. I haven't been in there for over year though, almost 2. That I or I repressed the memory.
One in Somerville is terrible. It's... ugh... the toy section.... I mean... GAH! Though they DID have the Xiaolin Showdown line, and I wish that I got some of that. Looked for those online and they go for hundreds of dollars... except for Dojo the Dragon which I found relatively cheap. They had some stuff Target didn't have at one point... now it's the same stuff only left over longer and for more money.

Though I was able to get the 25th anniversary re-release Bebop and Rocksteady on clearance there.

But seriously, an air of despair just wafts over you. Wal*Mart kinda stinks, but they at least tend to have something decent sometimes. Target's at least shiny and clean. Compared to those other two, though.

To tell you the truth, I miss having a TRU that I don't need someone to give me a ride to. Got a nice Batman shirt there for 8 bucks a few months ago.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I just hate when celebs have their own line of clothes.
Especially male celebrities... that's just... a little bit... eeky... to think that men spend a lot of time about fashion and everything... it's kind of... "unmanly"? :confused:

But uh... Kmart sucks things that are better left unsucked, they have the crappiest selection of just about everything, I honestly don't understand how they've stayed in business for so long... even Target has improved itself in recent years... Walmart doesn't care anymore, they've all gone for this industrial warehouse look and feel for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Especially male celebrities... that's just... a little bit... eeky... to think that men spend a lot of time about fashion and everything... it's kind of... "unmanly"? :confused:
Um, men have been concerned about fashion since the dawn of time. Heck have you seen the way they used to dress in Colonial times?