I do not believe accepting homosexuality should be forced down the throats of people...I think sometimes as staunch gay and transgender rights defenders we tend to get a bit too much into scorched earth with rhetoric. We have to accept that some people for whatever reason won't fully accept gays, or blacks, or Mexican immigrants. And that's ok, we all have the right to believe whatever we want.
The thing is, both sides do a great job shoving their crap down everyone's throats. Every side wants to play the victim card, and the only difference between the left and the right on this is that pundits on the right just write more and more books about how much of victims they are. After all, they only have a 24/7 news network, thousands of books, thousands of little radio stations, and are taken seriously. The left has been far too oppressive with their sad little indie newspapers that 5 people actually read.
It's anger, bitter division, and I blame how we reacted after certain terrorist attack I can't name... you know, the one where we supposedly came together until Fat-well opened his mouth and blamed the evil atheists who don't publicly stone gays and have women wear pants. And certain politician's war policies continued that.
The problem is, there are well meaning people who say, "I just don't get homosexuality" and just live and let live, and there are mean spirited "God hates fraggs" types who think that one footnote in the bible should be valued over everything else. But I do agree, trying to get anyone to change their views is just absolutely pointless, even if facts and persuasion are persistent. Some of this has to change with passing generations who realize how counter productive everything is. Keeping in mind an imaginary idealistic world that only benefits the few is a dangerous notion.
I'm a big fan of the *original* modern Tea Party protest movement from a few years ago
The problem is the movement has stopped being genuine. I understand full well what they're getting at and what they should want, but it seems like the media swallowed them up, turned them into a "We hates the Obama man" rally, and politicians feel they have to pander to them, EVEN though they account for a small minority. And the craziest of the party completely hijacked it. It happens with ANY protest group. You're only as sane as your craziest voice. During their debate, didn't a bunch of people cheer in a hypothetical situation where a healthy person who didn't buy health insurance died in a coma he didn't expect? Cheering for death? That's not conservative, that's not what the movement should be about. Why aren't they kicking out Hitler sign carrying crazies? I would.
They're worse than the disorganized and pointless war protestors. At least they're easily ignorable and no one lets them have a say in anything. I did dig the Billionaires for Bush movement, but only as a funny cosplay type bit.
Seriously, if these little factions of parties are only furthering to drive the country further into division and bitterness, is it worth is? All we got out of it are stubborn crying politicians that help drive the country even deeper into chaos. A house divided cannot stand. And everyone wonders why the economy has gone no where.