Hypocrisy is a paradox... the only way to not be hypocritical is to accept the fact someone's denying something towards you... basically, you have to be extremely passive for that to work. It's only human to want or deny something that makes life easier or to protect you from something... but what bugs me is when everyone calls everyone else on it to make a point,... then only the loudest loudmouths come out looking good because they just make the argument better.Gotcha, that makes sense. I think I also wasn't being clearly enough. I'm not here to deny that there is hypocrisy in religion. Of course there is. Where there's humans, you get hypocrisy. It just bothers me when most of the talk about religion in society is about the people who screw it up. You hear a ton about the radical evangelicals or some random person on YT spouting nonesense. And suddenly they're the prime example of religion. You never hear about the people who do get religion right and actually do good things with religion. And there certainly are many people like that. I'm not saying I'm always one of those people, lol. Just saying it's far from balance.
That's why I see everything as gray... varying shades, and a darker gray is worse than a lighter gray, but everything is gray. It's probably me... I think I patterned myself after Oscar a little too much, and I just wanna be left alone and I only take whatever side doesn't, or whatever side against the one that will do the most damage.
The truth is, there are things in life that HAVE no answer or justification, and sometimes taking sides is all about someone doing the wrong thing for the right reasons or the right thing for the wrong reasons. Sometimes you have to defend against something you believe in or defend for something you don't... and sometimes you find the argument on both sides idiotic and polarizing, and the common ground is NOT met.
And I'm agreeing with Monsterateme, we all have to admit everything's wrong and we're all screwed up and imperfect. Perfect perfection doesn't exist and can't exist, because striving for perfection IS an imperfection.
Seriously... Paradoxes are BEST left to confound evil robots, not to screw us up even further...