Heh, haven't done this in a while.
1 Yes, from Before You Leap, that's the reference hexactly.
2 KG, Kermie's Girl, Ruahnna's master opus found here in the fic library/section of the forums.
3 Anchor Babies, watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart... Go to the site and search for it or any episodes from now, August 2010. Basically, it's the stance some Congress people are stupidly aggressively taking that the 14th amendment shouldn't grant automatic US citizenship to children born in the United States to immigrants living there, whether they're illegal or already duely-naturalized citizens.
When Jon said the term "anchor babies", the first thing I thought of—and them too—was, "you mean like Jim Henson's Muppet Babies?"
Anchor Babies, we'll make our dreams come true.
They then showed some animated baby characters with the super-imposed heads of Diane Sawyer, Katy Courrick, Brian Williams, and Anderson Cooper.
They even went as so far as to say that Muppet Babies was introducing a new character, Anchor McTerror Baby, but that's not listed at the Muppet Wiki yet so I don't know what that joke was.
4 Yes... We're a ravenous bunch of fic readers here. If you haven't noticed yet by other fics, we can become actively nagsome when a fic has gone neglected and in need of updates. That plus the common cry from us has become "More please!" with variations on the number of !'s after to demonstrate the request.
Hope this helps, have an unlucky day.