I think this is just a case of revamping something that is already in fine shape. What Zemekis and Disney have been doing these days is kind of like what Ted Turner did in the 80s by colorizing movies or what George Lucas and Steven Spielberg did in this last decade by painting over the classic special effects with CG because its trendy.
The difference is that Lucas and Spielberg screwed up their own movies to what they think they wanted as bright eyed visionary directors, but rather wanted as curmudgeonly old jaded perfectionists. And frankly, all the Haden Christensen cameos and pointlessly long musical numbers Lucas added in weren't half as bad as cutting the sailormouth at the breakfast table in E.T.
But I digress, those were their movies... and while I hate that they ruined them, at least they screwed them up by their own will. Ted Turner (and the case here with Zemekis) took movies that weren't theirs, and changed them without the permission of the original owners. If anyone remembers the TV series "The Critic" in the episode "Doctor Jay," Duke creates a computer program that changed classic movies to be commercials and have fake happy endings. Something I think this new Remake obsession is very close to.
Who knows, it could look good, but what's the reason? Zemekis should go back to one of his properties or create a new one rather than toy with something that many people find so sacred. I just don't know what to think. Again, it could look cool like Monster House or it could look creepy like Polar Express.
Exactly... what IS the point? What is the reason? It makes about as much sense as sequelling Snow White or something. The older audience that remember it will be alienated, and the younger audiences will be too young to care. The same classic mistake played over and over and over. I'm sure Zemekis will try to capture the flavor of the original as best as he can, but it's still and inadvisable mistake. The original movie was a groundbreaking piece of animation movie history. There was so much they did with OUT the aid of computers, and I think it makes the film better than any CGI remake could ever try to be.
I really want this movie to not happen some how... be it the surviving Beatles, the families and estates of the deceased ones, Micheal Jackson's estate... Pixar... someone has to say "NO! This isn't going to work." And I second that... why not revisit older characters that Zemekis came up with, or something new. Somehow, when I see these old curmudgeonly perfectionist directors playing with CGI, I see some old guy fiddling around with an iPod trying to listen to talk radio... not the young explorers they want to pretend to be.