I love that one as well. I honestly don't see why that was a problem. The animation was beautiful and Michael Bell is a perfect fit for the character. I never read him as speaking remotely like Pooh. Mind of the creator, I guess. Also... as far as the film goes, didn't Opus talk to humans all the time in the strip? He was always conversing with Steve and the kids. Ran a newspaper at some point. I don't think I'd want an Opus movie where he was essentially his early strop self.
BTW, the link to the LMW page about Yellow Submarine was updated last I saw it. It has conceptual designs of what The Beatles would have looked like, as well as development of the Blue Meanies.
I'll see if I can link a couple directly here...
They don't look too terrible, but fall quite deeply into Uncanney Valley. Not helping is the human heads in relation to the human body. They're like 9 or 10 heads tall (what are they? xxxhollic Characters?) On the other hand, if you were to see these without context, they look like awesome action figures, now don't they?
Looks like they at least considered having the Blue Meanie look like his cartoon counterpart, but went with the scary clown guy from Spawn instead (I forget his name, I didn't really care much for Spawn). While he doesn't look great or not horrifying in his fur coat design, he looks downright dreadful as an S&M biker.
BTW, the link to the LMW page about Yellow Submarine was updated last I saw it. It has conceptual designs of what The Beatles would have looked like, as well as development of the Blue Meanies.
I'll see if I can link a couple directly here...

They don't look too terrible, but fall quite deeply into Uncanney Valley. Not helping is the human heads in relation to the human body. They're like 9 or 10 heads tall (what are they? xxxhollic Characters?) On the other hand, if you were to see these without context, they look like awesome action figures, now don't they?

Looks like they at least considered having the Blue Meanie look like his cartoon counterpart, but went with the scary clown guy from Spawn instead (I forget his name, I didn't really care much for Spawn). While he doesn't look great or not horrifying in his fur coat design, he looks downright dreadful as an S&M biker.