I like these comics, indeed I do. After a while I looked forward to them more than the Muppet Show since, well, Darkwing's not going to get a movie at the end of this year (he should). But I admit, they are tackling a bit much in their 4 part miniseries.
Negaduck is not involved in the first plot because he's really involved in the second storyline with Magica DeSpell.
With the first issue, they were trying to establish what happened to the Fearsome Five, what happened to Darkwing, and of course what happened to Taurus Bulba. Currently, while dealing with multiple inter-dimensional Darkwings Paddywhack shows up end of part 3, and will no doubt be prominent in the last segment. I will say, I hope Darkwarrior escapes and comes back later, since there's just so much more potential there.
I'm also loving the Rescue Rangers comics so far... though I will say a reference to the Capcom video game at the beginning and the addition of Foxglove is borderline fan fic. They pull it off much better than that, of course...