Inauguration 2009


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Sep 8, 2005
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Imagine, Dr. King's dream coming true?
First of all I think you are pushing it just a little bit. It already did when all these laws were put in place protecting the rights of off this country's citizens long before you were born my friend. I never grew up with a mind set that I couldn't not do anything or that there was something that I couldn't do or that something was stopping me from achieving anything but myself. Something could try, but I'm not paranoid and I truly have always believed that you just have to push ahead on through to the top. Nothing is stopping you and I never have felt limited as to what I could do or accomplish in this life or this country. It's always been my believe that if you work hard at something and want it enough that you can do it. I don't think just because Obama is president that anything is all of a sudden somehow different.

You couldn't have told me that I would live to see this.
Honestly? I mean you are like fourteen years old. I can't tell you how many older people in the news have said this. (Some would have never thought it to even be possible.) Just reminds me of the scene in back to the future. About the only way I can see this state as believable is if you are one hundred years old, lol! Knew it could happen (believed it could happen) and I knew it would eventually happen sometime and most likely not all that few are from now either.

I mean he may have made some choices we did not 100% agree with but he still was the president. Ya know what I mean, I though people should have a little respect. That is just me though.
I agree with you. I do have respect for out leader no matter how I feel about there views or decision and that goes for out prior leader and out current leader too. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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No and if a woman had won, say Hilary Clinton, there would be no big hoopla like what's going on now.
I agree, it wouldn't be as big a deal.

A few decades ago, Obama wouldn't have been President and it's amazing and wonderful that we've come so far. But like I said before, there are many other groups that continue to be unrepresented. We still have a long way to go in this country, heh.

Better talk to all of those rich ceos who have been sending jobs overseas for cheap labor in order to make more profit. I doubt they'll make jobs come back here.
People wonder why we have lead in some of the toys sold in the US.
I agree, that's one of the biggest problem we have right now, that's why we have so much poverty. So many jobs are gone. People have been disenfranchised. Nothing will get better until leaders admit that and do something about it. And personally, I don't think that will happen until the two party system is fixed, or expanded.


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Sep 16, 2002
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This isn't directed at Obama or anything, just the general state of politics. I just had to add:

"The last man nearly ruined this place, he didn't know what to do with it. If you think this country's bad off now, just wait til I get through with it." :insatiable:

--Groucho Marx :wink:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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This isn't directed at Obama or anything, just the general state of politics. I just had to add:

"The last man nearly ruined this place, he didn't know what to do with it. If you think this country's bad off now, just wait til I get through with it." :insatiable:

--Groucho Marx :wink:
Haha! that is too funny!

I'll give the new guy a shot.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I agree, that's one of the biggest problem we have right now, that's why we have so much poverty. So many jobs are gone. People have been disenfranchised. Nothing will get better until leaders admit that and do something about it. And personally, I don't think that will happen until the two party system is fixed, or expanded.
This is where I feel Obama is different. Hillary Clinton was the standard Democrat and old-school politician running against Republican McCain and the more "purple-minded" Obama. He received the Democratic Party nomination, but largely raised his funds from the people rather than the Clinton fat-cats and partisan insiders. Sure, he's a politician and none of them can be truly trusted, but he's as far from the two party system that the country can support for now. I think his presidency has changed how the two party system works and hopefully will break it apart some more so ideas are supported rather than party affiliation.

If W was a Neo-Conservative (which didn't work well), Obama might just be a Neo-Liberal. Time will tell if that's a good thing. :halo:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Yeah we'll just have to see. I will always say the two party system needs to be expanded, if only to allow non-wealthy people to be serious nominees for President and other positions. I'm sick of being given just two choices of wealthy politians who claim to speak for the people, but don't have a clue what they're going through. I don't think Obama is any different than other politians we've had, and the high expectations placed on him are too much for any President to fulfill. He is not for same sex marriage, and I doubt that will change. And I don't agree with his stance on abortion either. But we shall see how it all goes. :smile:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yeah we'll just have to see. I will always say the two party system needs to be expanded, if only to allow non-wealthy people to be serious nominees for President and other positions. I'm sick of being given just two choices of wealthy politians who claim to speak for the people, but don't have a clue what they're going through. I don't think Obama is any different than other politians we've had, and the high expectations placed on him are too much for any President to fulfill. He is not for same sex marriage, and I doubt that will change. And I don't agree with his stance on abortion either. But we shall see how it all goes. :smile:
Well you're talking about many things there that don't have to do with the two-party system. All attempts at expansion beyond the two-party system become corrupted by the agendas of the wealthy and I don't see that changing for quite some time. The one change that Obama did bring was in fund raising directly from the people. *That* makes him much different. The rest...time will tell.

He does have quite a responsibility to the average American that no other President has had before. There's no way to make everyone 100% happy, but I find it cynical to say that not enough good can happen under this new administration because of party ties. Now is not the time for the hot-button issue of gay marriage or choice. Right now we're in an endless war abroad, we still have to take our shoes off at the airport, the auto industry has fallen, retail chains are closing stores or going bankrupt and many, many Americans are losing their jobs.

I understand being realistic and not getting swept up in the moment, but now is a time for optimism. Presidents are usually given the first 100 days of office before criticism. We should give the man a chance before we make up our minds. What happens really is anyone's guess. The world can change on a dime. He could be tested in a number of ways we don't even know about yet. Now is a time of possibilities. I'm reserving judgment until his State of the Union next year.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I agree about reserving judgement. But by the same token, I don't agree with people who are going around saying, "Everything will be OK now with Obama" when he hasn't even done anything yet.

(I'm not saying you are saying that, but a lot of people are)

Reserving judgement should be both negative and positive judgement. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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the auto industry has fallen, retail chains are closing stores or going bankrupt and many
Okay, well I do not agree that a government takeover it the answer to solution. But at the same time trust in big business is just as bad as trust in government these day's you know?[/quote]

I agree about reserving judgement. But by the same token, I don't agree with people who are going around saying, "Everything will be OK now with Obama" when he hasn't even done anything yet.
Yeah, I have to agree with you there. That is just kind of silly to make asumptions like that without ratinal thinking.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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trust in big business is just as bad as trust in government these day's you know?
How true that is. :wink:

I'm not saying people aren't thinking rationally or anything. All I'm saying is, it's wrong to judge him negatively when he hasn't committed any crimes. But at the same time, it's also wrong to assume he'll be good before he's really done anything. :smile: