Inauguration 2009


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Yeah, I mean I can't wait for all the symbolism stuff to end and the action to begin!


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Depends on what kind of action Obama does in the next 100 days, next 6 months, the next year.

I'm also sitting back and just watching to see what will happen with this guy. Will he start to "change" America as he has stated, or will he appear weak?

Back to Bush, back in 2000 when he was elected, I wasn't too impressed with him. He was the governor of Texas, where I live, but I didn't think he knew what it took to do the job as a president. And guess what, he and wife are going to be staying in the city I live in too.

But I bet you, just bet you Bush will keep quiet and be out of the spotlight for a very good while. He'll be at some Rangers baseball games, maybe at a Cowboy game or two for next football season, but that's about how much you'll see out of him.

I just think once Bush shook Obama's hand and got in the helicopter with his wife, he probably had the thought of "I'm glad I'm getting out of this town. Good luck pal. They're going to eat you alive".


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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I'm with Obama on some things and not others, but I'll give him a fair shake.

But honestly, Bush seemed like a pretty good governor. It wasn't until he became President that if just want downhill for him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Back to Bush, and I hate if I'm sounding too nerdy! but he wasn't that bad. 9/11 would have happened at some point either with Bush as the president or someone else, like Gore. The Katrina and Rita hurricanes, or the sisters from he** (sorry moderators!), were some of the worst disasters ever on record, and he tried to do the best he could.

I'm not even going to blame him on the economy because again, he and congress are not responsible of checking up on businesses that make bad decisions.

But by the end, he just seemed burnt out and tired. Being the president took a toll on him.

All I can say is, he had one of the toughest 8 years in the White House. He took a lot from the media and tried his best. Maybe I'll run into him in Dallas somewhere, sometime. I can see if he wants to run with me!

The Shoe Fairy

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Depends on what kind of action Obama does in the next 100 days, next 6 months, the next year.

I'm also sitting back and just watching to see what will happen with this guy. Will he start to "change" America as he has stated, or will he appear weak?

Back to Bush, back in 2000 when he was elected, I wasn't too impressed with him. He was the governor of Texas, where I live, but I didn't think he knew what it took to do the job as a president. And guess what, he and wife are going to be staying in the city I live in too.

But I bet you, just bet you Bush will keep quiet and be out of the spotlight for a very good while. He'll be at some Rangers baseball games, maybe at a Cowboy game or two for next football season, but that's about how much you'll see out of him.

I just think once Bush shook Obama's hand and got in the helicopter with his wife, he probably had the thought of "I'm glad I'm getting out of this town. Good luck pal. They're going to eat you alive".
I'm sure that he thought "Hehehe. Sucked in buddy".
Hopefully Obama does keep true to his election promises, and right the problems that are/have been plauging the US.:attitude:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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One thing we tend to forget is it's not all about the President. There is also Congress; they make a great deal of the decisions. There's just so much hype about the President, but there's a great deal that he doesn't do, the way the office is designed.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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As a native Houstonian with family members close to the Bush family, and as a one time reluctant supporter of his first term (amazingly turning a blind eye to much of his social politics) I have absolutely nothing kind to say about the man or his presidency.

I won't open that can-o-worms except to say that a leader can't blame his failures on the tough issues that arise during his reign. He campaigned for the job in the first place – there’s no crying in the Presidency. His legacy is too fresh to be written.

One thing I know for certain is that the new guy for better or worse has a blank slate. The world is treating him like a teacher in school that starts their student with an A that is theirs to lose. Let’s see if Obama can create this elusive unity. The other guy had his shot.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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One thing I know for certain is that the new guy for better or worse has a blank slate. The world is treating him like a teacher in school that starts their student with an A that is theirs to lose. Let’s see if Obama can create this elusive unity. The other guy had his shot.
I agree, the other guy did have his shot, lol. I just don't like that the only people seriously getting shots are the Republicans and Democrats over and over again. It doesn't say democracy to me. :wink:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I agree, the other guy did have his shot, lol. I just don't like that the only people seriously getting shots are the Republicans and Democrats over and over again. It doesn't say democracy to me. :wink:
Amazingly, both parties tend to get money from the same big corporations. I think that's been a lot of the problem. This time out it's a little different. It's not business as usual as it would have been under the other leading Democrat who was funded by hefty loans and the usual special interest groups. Nonetheless this current administration is just a toe in the water when it comes to a President being funded and beholden to the people. The next candidate is sure to use some of Obama's playbook when it comes to fund raising.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I agree Obama did it a little differently, but I just can't reconile constantly being forced to vote for two rich guys in the same two parties, saying the same things over and over again (and they do say the same things, including Obama).

Not when there are people who might have been qualified, but just didn't have the money to run. We are losing out, time and time again.

The candidates we are given to choose from don't have qualifications...they have money. As they said during Watergate, "Follow the money."