hey, it was great to meet you guys. marty's improv with telly was funny, and the actor's studio thing was a cute idea. and i thought michael did a great job putting the thing together--it was nice to finally see someone who actually knows something about the show asking these guys questions.
fuzzygobo, i feel your pain--i was at the other mic when they said time is up & it was the 3rd time in a row i've been that close to getting a question in at a ss event. i always get miffed because unlike the majority of people who are able to get their questions in, i put a lot of thought into crafting one that will be relevant and interesting to the whole audience, that can be addressed to the whole panel, and that is concise, too, because nobody cares about my life story and everyone knows i'm thankful for all the work they all put into the show.
but i've become ok with never getting my question in, because they never really answer the questions anyway, they just use the same old anecdotes we've heard a dozen times...though it is cute to see them tell the stories in person, and to see them laugh and whisper to each other and tear up at the memories.
the other reason i'm ok with it is because the 2nd time was that afternoon at the teacher thing, but my question got cut off by oscar, which is actually kind of cool. you all didn't miss anything from the so-called teacher workshop. the moderator asked crappy questions and they didn't answer them, they just dragged out the same anecdotes they used later in the evening. that's why tony had the lyrics (sort of) to Proud to Be a Cow written down--'cause he couldn't remember them when it came up that afternoon.
but yeah, they had asked for e-mailed questions ahead of time, but didn't use any of them until they were about to use mine to close the program but caroll brought oscar out & the moderator got flustered and that was the end of that. so i was annoyed that the question didn't get asked but pleased to be interrupted by oscar, so i went through the whole sad-because-i'm-happy cycle of emotions and ended up quite content in being grouchy about it.
this is cute, i used the event as an opportunity to visit my cousins, and one of them has a 3 1/2 year old. so i told her who i'd just seen, and she shot me this look and said she didn't believe me. i tried to show her pictures, but they came out so blurry you couldn't even tell it was oscar so it just made me look even worse, like i was using cheap tricks to try to put one over on her!