Okay, if you see someone holding up a bank with a shotgun, do you jump in and help out and risk being shot and maybe killed in the process? If so, I think you are rather foolhardy. There are systems put in place to these kind of jobs so we don't have to put ourselves in danger. We can not be expected to take on the role of every law enforcement system that exists. We MUST draw a line.
Agreed. And you don't see me tracking down Muppet counterfitters and using my mighty hand of justice to smite them, do you? That's the job of Disney's lawyers and the court system.
And I would never suggest that you should put yourself in danger to do right... that's a decision for you to make. But how dangerous is it to pick up the phone and inform the police that someone is committing a crime? Especially when you aren't involved and are simply an observer?
But I can be here, discussing the topic, dispelling myths about IP rights and attempting to inform people so they don't go around thinking that infringing on somebody's intellectual property is a good or admirable thing.
And, when someone is willfully ignoring the law, I can do a good deed and let the rights holders know they are being infringed upon.
I don't hurt, rob or murder people, therefore I am doing my bit. I don't break the law, I don't cause problems for the police, therefore I am doing my bit. Everyone should be responsible for their own actions.
I agree, if only in a complete isolationist view. What you describe is the absolute minimum a person can do outside of paying their taxes on time and voting. The problem is that you expect everyone to have the same attitude in order for society to function. And we know that just isn't possible. In a perfect world, that plan would work. But we don't live in a perfect world. There are people who purposely prey upon others for personal gain. They aren't just minding their own business. And sadly, the police are not all-seeing. So a certain involvement from the populace is required in order to quell entropy.
If you have designed or created something, it is your responsiblity to protect it. If you find that someone is being unlawful towards you, you use the enforcement of the law to protect you from it or to bring those who have been unlawful to you to justice. That's why these services have been put in place and why the people who work there get paid.
And when you aren't aware of the problem? What then? Tough cookies? You lose because you just aren't vigilant enough? If that were the case throughout human history, and people didn't have a natural tendency to care about and look after each other, we'd never have formed the first tribe and eventually created the society and culture that we now enjoy. That's called The Social Contract and it is a nearly universal constant in human culture.
In short: No man is an island.