I still don't understand how anyone on a message board that is dedicated to the love all things Muppet© can make a valid argument that it is okay to knowingly infringe upon the the creativity of Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Michael Frith, Jerry Juhl, Faz Fazakas, Richard Hunt, Dave Goelz, Jerry Nelson, Steve Whitmire and everyone else who has made the Muppets© internationally famous. Any replicas have no intrinsic value without the hard work that these people did. To encourage the illegal replicas belittles the very thing that we all profess to love so much.
It seems like the people on this board who are most vehemently against the replicas are the ones who have worked and earned a living in creative fields in some capacity. Maybe that gives a different perspective on the subject of intellectual properties.
It does indeed put a different perspective on it,
I for one wont post pictures on my Original work with out having gone thru the process of protecting them ,and their is work I have done that I wont post unless given permission to do so,
It makes me very uncomfortable to post my original creations for the world to see, knowing that their are unscrupulous people out their stealing designs and selling that work at a profit.
it also puts freelance artists like my self in a bad light.
while I have never built a replica for sale , because this individual is well aware that what he/she is doing is Illegal,and has not revealed who they are. We do not know who they are, and until they are stopped, any one of us who are professional designers and builders could be put under tighter scrutiny by Disney,Sesame Workshop, or who ever else they are stealing from. Which could cost us legitimate jobs.The puppet community is very small, and rumors spread like wildfire.so I certainly would not want my name attached to this person in any way shape or form.
maybe that's a bit paranoid, but I do feel this individual cast a black shadow on legitimate designers and builders,If only because they are to cowardly to step forward and show the world their face