Well, yours truly has seen the film.....
However, like any avid comic book fan, I have my pros and cons about it.
My pros:
Tobey McGuire really pulled off the evil look of symbiote-influenced Peter Parker (the emo hairdo was a bit much and so was the "John Travolta Montage"), but I love how wicked Pete was in those parts of the film. It was awesome to see him so full of himself, even when he wasn't wearing the black suit (the "Spider-Man Appreciation Day" scene is an example of this).
The way the Sandman character was handled really helped me see him as more than just a common villain. I nearly cried at the end of this film, during a scene between him and Peter--and the scene after he's atmoized was brilliantly done.
Eddie Brock was a jerk...but a really great jerk (and Venom was nice, but I'll get to him later). The whole "I want you to kill Peter Parker" scene makes sense after what Peter had done to him in the film. Though he really needs to get a life and stop asking God to kill people (like He's really going to grant that wish!). Topher Grace did a perfect job. 'Nuff said.
Which reminds me...I love Stan Lee's cameo in the film. You're right, Stan. People can make a difference.
The bad luck seemed to have rubbed off on Peter and ended up on Mary-Jane in this film, because the poor girl went through a lot of crap. It just wasn't the bad reviews that got her either. Her life pretty much falls apart, especially once Peter's dons the black suit. But Kirsten Dunst still does a pretty awesome job as her. I love it when Peter says her last line from the second film in a self-confident way before rescuing Gwen from the crane, 'cause she's like "Now's not the time!" in that scene.
Harry Osborn really had me going through a love-hate thing with him in his movie, because there were some parts when I loved to hate him, then there were others when I just downright hated him! The scenes in which (and since this is a spoiler, I'll lighten the text for everyone to highlight to read)
he has amnesia were interesting because it's almost like the first film all over again, in which he and Peter are best friends again. But once he gets his memory back and recalls everything that happened by the end of the first film and all of the second, that's when I start hating him again, because he forces M.J. to break up with Peter, which leaves Peter to put on the black suit again and get into a fight with Harry that leads to him getting a bomb exploding in his face. But I find myself loving the jerk again once he finds out the truth of his father's death from his butler and helps Pete take down Sandman and Venom. And I really start feeling sorry for him once he dies from being pierced by the blades of his own glider (like father, like son) while saving Peter from Venom. That's another scene that had me crying, because it was right out of the comic book.
Other characters in the film were awesome as well, including Aunt May (who pretty much inspires Peter to go back to being a good guy again). J. Jonah Jameson's scenes seemed to be brought down to a minimum this time around (I guess since John isn't getting married anymore), but they were still hilarious nonetheless. Gwen Stacey was....well...interesting. And, of course, Bruce Campbell had a nice French accent.
My cons:
A lot of people say Venom should've had more screentime in this film, and I agree, because 20 minutes isn't enough for this guy (it actually felt more like three). If they do make a fourth film, then he should be the main villain (right next to The Lizard). And most of all, he refers to himself as "I" and not "We" like he does in the comics. That was my biggest pet peeve of his performance in this film.
Gwen Stacey had no significance whatsoever in this film, other than for making Mary Jane more jealous of the popularity Peter gets as Spider-Man and his involvement with Gwen and to further upset Eddie Brock. I'm starting to think she was there for the "eye candy" of the film, because my older brother just cannot stop talking about how "hot" she looks.
Sandman flying instead of slithering (or whatever he does) was a bit new, but weird.
Marvel didn't do anything special with their logo for this film (I was hoping for a few panels of red-suited Spider-Man and then a change to the black-suited ones). This is just a tiny complaint I have; nothing big.
But, overall, it was a marvelous finish to a great trilogy. If it does become a saga, with more films, then I'll be interesting in knowing how they'll accomplish that. This to me felt like the end of a trilogy and maybe they just should leave it at that. It wouldn't bug me if they don't make a fourth film, because I think a few people might be getting tired of Spidey, and the last thing we want is the franchise to die out like Batman did in the 90s and Superman in the 80s.
It's made $59 million on its opening day, so who knows!