You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if...


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
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This list is dedicated to the RHLC (I may have said some of these earlier)
*You see a flamingo and you're convinced it will burst into song at any moment.
*You're "proud, proud, proud to be a cow."
*You're constantly "head-desk"-ing using your piano.
*You constantly "Meep" in science class.
*You play guitar and constantly say "fer shur", "rully", and "like"
*Your uncle owns your workplace, which you constantly remind your co-workers of.
*You walk around with edible plants singing "Captain Vegetable" to people you see eating candy or spaghetti.
*You have a cat named Rocky.
*You think that "Bigfoot" is actually Sweetums.
*You're convinced your sandwich will talk to you.
*You constantly wonder what it would have been like if Miss Piggy was Richard Hunt's character from Season 2 and afterwards, rather than Frank Oz.
*You think the Beatles are a group of puppet beetles.
*You "accidentally" call Donald Duck "Ronald Duck"
*You're covered in fur that's maroon and yellow.
*You are a doctor/nurse and you constantly tell jokes while operating.
*Your favorite Wonderland character is the March Hare.
*You and your best friend refer to each other as "Scooter" and "Skeeter"
*You constantly rewind the TV while watching the "Hey, a Movie!" scene in GMC just to see the taxi driver.
*You are a cowboy who constantly forgets things.
*You think of wizard and think of this guy, not Harry Potter, Alex Russo, etc.
This may be a late reply but er.. and this post is dedicated to all the hard workers at the JP grosse comissionin plant!:wink: Hehehe, correct me if I got that wrong, i can't find the quote so i don't remember where he said they worked, the JP grosse something or other.:confused::big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2009
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You might be an obsessed muppet fan if:

-You hear about the oscars and say "Oh, so they're like the Fred awards on the Muppets."
-You got that last joke.
-You have spaces in your DVD collection for TMS season 4 and 5 when they come out.
-You think that Gonzo is the world's best stunt artist.
-You get people to do things by saying "My uncle wanted you to do it."
-You shout "COOKIE! COOKIE!" when you eat cookies.
-You believe "wemble" is a word in the english language.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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When u talk like Janice if u agree with what someone said

"Rully! Fer Sure!"