Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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I never said his jokes are worse or cause more damage than Biden’s presidential actions. In fact I agree with you that Biden is more destructive on a larger scale than Chappelle will ever be. But that has nothing to do with the issue at hand, which is that Biden has been extensively covered by the media for his racist history. I did not want Biden to be the Democratic nominee and only voted for him because I felt that Trump was far worse. So my side comment about Biden criticisms was more of a, “hey, I’ve got this personal issue when I hear right wing people complain about Biden,” but I could’ve worded it a bit better. I certainly wasn’t calling out anyone here and in the scope of things I could have left it out. But ultimately it had nothing to do with my overall points and I never said anything positive about him, I merely focused on why I feel that calling out Chappelle is justified.
Fair enough, though I wouldn't say the media extensively covered his racist history. From what I saw, the mainstream media called him out on it a bit during the early stages of the primaries but mostly treated him with kid gloves after it was clear he would be the nominee.

It’s possible you’re right, but I’m worried that the things he said which are inaccurate and negative to the community could stick out more to transphobic people and people who don’t have an opinion on trans rights in general. Particularly the TERF comment. How many people who had never heard of them will look them up now and fall down a spiral of TERF rhetoric and ideology? I can’t give you concrete numbers but it worries me and I think that Dave’s special is problematic for reasons like this.
I have a hard time believing that anyone who was okay with trans people before the Chappelle situation would suddenly hate trans people as a result of his special. And for people who had no opinion on trans rights before, I still don't think they'd suddenly become some sort of bigot. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong, but that's just my take. It's nice to have a discussion about this and hear other viewpoints.


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Feb 14, 2007
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Criticism against Joe Biden was very light if anything. Had Trump said the same thing it’d be all over the news.

It’s just a reminder that they’re nearly the same corrupt douchebags - one just gets Democrat passes.


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May 11, 2004
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Let me clarify, maybe I could have spelled it out better.
Dave’s special didn’t give me countless laughs, but did make me think.
I didn’t mean to say you were uptight, sensitive, thin-skinned, etc.
Maybe Carlin said it better, comedy is usually about attacking those on top- politicians, celebrities, etc.
I do feel trans people have some psychological maladjustment, which manifests itself in their abnormally high depression and suicide rates. This is not to deny their humanity, it’s a serious condition and I wish them Godspeed in getting help.
However, one girl on YouTube posted she doesn’t identify as male or female, she’s a thing. And that strips all the humanity from her, and that’s what she wants to be addressed as. To complete the deal, she shaved her head and painted her face so grotesque there is little semblance left to being a female.

Except the parts she was born with.

I’m still trying to come to grips with all this.
It was deemed ridiculous when Elizabeth Warren, who had 1/126 Indian blood, still tried to pass herself off as a woman of color.

That would be like me passing myself off as black. No way, no how, could I ever pull that off. How absurd would it sound if I said I identify as black, but white was the race assigned to me at birth? Something like that isn’t malleable.
Therein lies the conflict with trans people.
Again, I wish trans people all the support in resolving their conflict before anothe one takes their life.
I’m not trying to defend or excuse Chappelle, but I really have to think how malicious was his material.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Literally just spent 61 dollars this morning today….. on gas. Another day I’m just robbed by these stupid *** gas stations.

But hey. At least he’s not Trump, right?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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I’m not defending Trump in any way here.
But this time last year a lot of people wanted Trump out of office so bad, ANYTHING will be better than the last four years.
The media were pushing as soon as Biden gets in office, it’s all better from now on.

I remember on YouTube last year, there was a girl who wanted to strike a deal. She’d sacrifice her own grandmother just as long as Trump was gone.

Well now, Trump is gone, Granny is pushing up daisies, and you’re paying a small fortune at the pump.
Kid, you sure know how to strike a bargain.
The devil is in the details.

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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If you check out the hashtags "Barron" and "Winter White House" on Twitter, you'll find that some democrats created a fake Trump Christmas card and are making fun of him, Barron, and making dumb, immature jokes. Honestly, I'm starting to think these people secretly love Trump. He's been out of office for almost a year now and they still can't stop bringing the guy up for the most bizarre reasons.

Just some examples:



Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I’m not defending Trump in any way here.
But this time last year a lot of people wanted Trump out of office so bad, ANYTHING will be better than the last four years.
The media were pushing as soon as Biden gets in office, it’s all better from now on.

I remember on YouTube last year, there was a girl who wanted to strike a deal. She’d sacrifice her own grandmother just as long as Trump was gone.

Well now, Trump is gone, Granny is pushing up daisies, and you’re paying a small fortune at the pump.
Kid, you sure know how to strike a bargain.
The devil is in the details.
The thing for me is I have my issues with Biden just as much as I do with Trump. But at the very least, he’s a president that doesn’t just brag about how “great” of a president he is and have temper tantrums on his Twitter profile every single day, and for that matter doesn’t spend most of his time going on golf trips. I would not want that again for four more years.

The truth is I wasn’t fully liking the idea of Biden coming into office because he has a history of being racist and being inappropriate with women. But that’s what the biased DNC wanted and it’s what we got. I decided to give him a fair chance when he stepped in, and he only continues to prove how disappointing of a president he is with his right-leaning democrat status. My main issue also is how the democrats just seem to dismiss off any problems he’s potentially caused with “well, at least he’s not Trump! 🤪


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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If you check out the hashtags "Barron" and "Winter White House" on Twitter, you'll find that some democrats created a fake Trump Christmas card and are making fun of him, Barron, and making dumb, immature jokes. Honestly, I'm starting to think these people secretly love Trump. He's been out of office for almost a year now and they still can't stop bringing the guy up for the most bizarre reasons.

Just some examples:

I mean it’s pretty clear he lives rent-free in their heads.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Honestly, I'm starting to think these people secretly love Trump. He's been out of office for almost a year now and they still can't stop bringing the guy up for the most bizarre reasons.
You mean like how even when Obama left Office, Republicans wouldn't stop bringing him up for the most bizarre reasons? Or even how despite Trump stealing the election from Hillary, Republicans wouldn't shut up about her for the longest time? You'd think they wanted her to be President just so they could have legit excuses to complain about her.

BTW, where in that Reuters article does it say Democrats are responsible for the card? Because there is not one mention of Democrats that I can see on that page, I even did a Ctrl+F to look and found nothing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Literally both groups have their share of politicians that live rent-free in their head in a negative manner, but if you just want to focus specifically on the republicans doing so then that’s your choice.