Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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I do feel trans people have some psychological maladjustment, which manifests itself in their abnormally high depression and suicide rates. This is not to deny their humanity, it’s a serious condition and I wish them Godspeed in getting help.
I wouldn't say it's a "maladjustment". Gender dysphoria has been classified as a disorder given that people who suffer from it are outside of the societal norm and most people never have that. I can tell you from personal experience that it's something hard to understand until you actually start to question yourself. But it's not a negative disorder in and of itself. The "cure" for it is going through with transitioning to the extent that you feel satisfied with. For some, that's transitioning to a woman or man - one or other side of the gender binary. Others, which fall under the non-binary identity, have different approaches, like:

one girl on YouTube posted she doesn’t identify as male or female, she’s a thing. And that strips all the humanity from her, and that’s what she wants to be addressed as. To complete the deal, she shaved her head and painted her face so grotesque there is little semblance left to being a female.

Except the parts she was born with.
I don't understand her their approach myself, but I respect that if that's what they feel best as. Because the flipside to gender dysphoria is a concept known as gender euphoria, where a trans person feels accepted as the gender they identify with and are happy with how they look and feel. The biggest reason that trans people have high depression and suicide rates is due to the struggle that being trans can be. If society consistently fails to accept you for who you are, that negativity will linger with you. And don't forget that the list of trans people murdered each year continues to grow. A lot of men will cite the "trans panic defense" especially in s//ual contexts - they were trans so I killed them. Which is BS even if it's morally wrong not to disclose the fact that you're trans before s/x (which I feel deserves its own debate). Murder is still murder regardless of the reason.

I’m still trying to come to grips with all this.
It was deemed ridiculous when Elizabeth Warren, who had 1/126 Indian blood, still tried to pass herself off as a woman of color.

That would be like me passing myself off as black. No way, no how, could I ever pull that off. How absurd would it sound if I said I identify as black, but white was the race assigned to me at birth? Something like that isn’t malleable.
Therein lies the conflict with trans people.
That's a common mistake a lot of people make. "Being trans is like wearing blackface." "What if I was transracial?" You're right, race isn't malleable (regardless of how much Ariana Grande tans herself lol). If you're white, you're white. If you're black, you're black. But the concept of race is something that we made up based around people's skin colors, and reinforced it with millennia of oppressing people who didn't look like us. It's due to that reason that we consider blackface to be racist, because it's a white person making themselves look like a black person and taking on the negative stereotypes of black people as an implied punchline. They're black and I'll make fun of them for being black.

But while gender is also a concept we made up based around the biological sexes, being a trans person does not mean you're dressing up as a woman or man to make fun of them. You're transitioning so that you feel at ease within yourself. Gender identity is inherent just as your birth sex is. And just as your race is. The issue is that people conflate sex with gender. The two are not the same. Sex involves the body parts you were born with, your chromosomes, and how your hormones interact with your body. (And sex is a spectrum just as gender is, given that intersex people exist.) Meanwhile, gender encompasses how you feel about yourself, how society sees you and how you want to be viewed by society. Having an ovary is a female sex characteristic; wearing a dress is a female gender norm.

So where blackface is negative because you're making fun of a group of people, being trans is just something you are.

Again, I wish trans people all the support in resolving their conflict before anothe one takes their life.
I’m not trying to defend or excuse Chappelle, but I really have to think how malicious was his material.
And again, I don't actually believe that Chappelle is transphobic on a personal level (other people disagree with me). I think he just said a lot of things that reinforce trans stereotypes and can potentially harm trans people. I certainly hope that The Closer doesn't do that, but given that it's already been weaponized by right-wing bigots in response to the outcry from the left, it makes me very concerned.

Muppet Master

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Jan 14, 2014
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You mean like how even when Obama left Office, Republicans wouldn't stop bringing him up for the most bizarre reasons? Or even how despite Trump stealing the election from Hillary, Republicans wouldn't shut up about her for the longest time? You'd think they wanted her to be President just so they could have legit excuses to complain about her.

BTW, where in that Reuters article does it say Democrats are responsible for the card? Because there is not one mention of Democrats that I can see on that page, I even did a Ctrl+F to look and found nothing.
Your whataboutism "gotchas" don't work on me, I'm not a right-winger. Yes, the Republicans also had Obama living rent-free in their heads for the longest time after he left office. The Obama derangement syndrome on the right gave birth to the hyper-partisan landscape of today.

And how on Earth did Trump steal the election from Hillary? Like or not, Trump won the 2016 election by the standards put in place.

As far as the Reuters article goes, no it doesn't explicitly say Democrats made it but they are the ones sharing it and obsessing over it. And who else would make an unflattering Trump Christmas card? Certainly not his supporters.


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Feb 14, 2007
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I think he’s referring to the whole Russian hacking the elections incident…. Which even now I feel like I’m starting to realize is just Democratic agenda in order to get people to blindly agree about him winning.

The truth is I feel like so many people wanted Trump to win just because of his status in show biz, and let’s be honest, this country has a gender bias when it comes to presidents. Biden winning on the other hand I believe comes down to the fact that many people who voted for Trump eventually saw what a mental nutcase the guy was as president and didn’t want him again. Like I’ve even seen republicans who were sick of the guy.


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Dec 2, 2002
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You mean like how even when Obama left Office, Republicans wouldn't stop bringing him up for the most bizarre reasons? Or even how despite Trump stealing the election from Hillary, Republicans wouldn't shut up about her for the longest time? You'd think they wanted her to be President just so they could have legit excuses to complain about her.

BTW, where in that Reuters article does it say Democrats are responsible for the card? Because there is not one mention of Democrats that I can see on that page, I even did a Ctrl+F to look and found nothing.
Woah, wait. Trump stealing the election from Hillary? I thought that was impossible according to the Democrats.

Trump didn't steal no election from Hillary.

And Biden didn't steal no election from Trump.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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There were two things that Hillary did that sabotaged her own campaign.

The “Basket of deplorables” comment.
She just alienated a broad swath of Americans who might not have an Ivy League education or curry favor with celebrities and media elites.
That made people vote not necessarily for Trump, but against her.

Taking for granted she didn’t have to compete In Wisconsin or Michigan, because Democrats performed strongly there before.

And the media “experts” who thought Trump didn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hades, got so caught off guard as the results came in and Hillary’s margin narrowed down to nothing.

Deplorables bit Hillary in the a$$.

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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What amuses me is that Hillary supporters in 2008 called themselves PUMAs (meaning Party Loyalty My A$$) in response to people saying they should vote for Obama since Hillary failed to get the nomination. And then they turned around and said anyone who voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary in 2016 is a misogynist. So, by that logic, the 2008 Hillary supporters were racists for not voting for a black man.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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The truth is Hillary only got a spot in the final nominee because the biased DNC forced Bernie out of the game in order to get their way of having the “first woman president”….. otherwise Bernie would have easily dominated her.

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Math in and of itself isn’t racist, but that’s not the point of what they’re trying to say. They’re saying that there’s a debate right now over whether the way that math gets taught is racist due to social inequity, which happens to be an interesting subject and I’m going to read more on it. Please stop focusing on the headlines.