Here's another wishlist of mine for this. Stuff in
bold has already been confirmed via either the press releases or trailers (and may not exactly be something I would have put on the wishlist otherwise). This list will include a few non-insert street scenes.
- Seasons 1-10: Sesame Street begins, Rubber Duckie, Jazz #6, James Earl Jones: Alphabet, Henson #9, Bein' Green, Bob/Sherlock Hemlock/Cookie Monster: Who are You?, Henson Ball Powder #3, Baby Monster: IS, Ladybug Picnic, Mad Painter #5, Martians: Telephone, C is for Cookie, The Snowman Salesman, Everybody Eats, Bert and Ernie: 10 Q, Herry and John-John: Q, Roosevelt Franklin: Up and down, The Count and Cookie Monster co-operate, Sing (with Luis, Bob, and Susan), Luis looks for agua, The King's Nose, Grover serves a burger, Typewriter: V-vacuum, Counting is Wonderful, earmuff salesman, Pinball Animation #2, Don Music: Old MacDonald, Surprise, Bob looks for Kermit the Hermit, Buffy breastfeeds Cody, Judy Collins: Water Cantata, scenes from Hawaii, Tooth pageant, Breakfast Time, Oscar drives a dump truck.
Seasons 11-20: Scenes from Puerto Rico. Geometry of Circles, Super Grover: Out and In School, Elmo learns the H sound, The Leslie Mostly Show: Guy Smiley, Itzhak Perlman: Easy and hard, David Disco Skates, Linda signs the alphabet, Gordon preaches rain, Bert and Ernie cross the street, Fuzzy and Blue (and Orange), We Coulda, Bert sees Snuffleupagus, James Taylor: Up on the Roof, I Don't Want to Live on the Moon, Everybody's Song, Teeny Little Superguy: Danger, Hola, Kermit News: Little Miss Muffet, Miami Mice: Ernie, Snuffy takes off, Alone in the Swamp with You, The American Revolution: National Bird, Kermit's Mystery Box, ABC-DEF-GHI, Grover and Karlena: What is love?, The How Many Game, Detective Series: A Dull Day, The Word is No!
Seasons 21-30: Elmo's Song, Alphaquest: B, Mysterious Theater: Sign of the Circle, Bert and Ernie: Opposite Game, Signs for the Hearing: Disappear, I Wonder About the World Above Up There, Whoopi Goldberg and Hoots: Feathers and Skin, Forgetful Jones: On a Roll with Cowboy Cole, Barn in the USA, En Vogue: Adventure, Tito Puente: El Timbalo, Jim Carrey: Feet, Clown Honking #8, Just Happy to Be Me, Monsterpiece Theater: Little House on Prairie, Little Miss Count-Along, Felines, AlphaBoy: F-feathers, I'm Sad Because I'm Happy, Super Morphin' Mega Monsters: Blue monsters, Suzie Kabloozie hates the letter F, Fay Family: Popcorn, Worms in Space: K, Girls of the World, Things That I Remember, REM: Furry Happy Monsters, Ernie's Show and Tell: Trumpet, Patti LeBelle: Gospel Alphabet, Cooking by the Numbers: 12, scenes from Elmo's World: Transportation.
Seasons 31-40: Keb Mo: Ev'rybody Be Yo'self, Letter of the Day: C, Number of the Day: 0, Dr. Feel meets Bob, Triangle Bob Trianglepants, Dinner Theater: Annie Get Your Gumbo, Scramalot, Can't Say the Alphabet Enough, Murray and Venetia: Breakfast, Pre-School Musical, Because We're Friends, Feist: 1234, Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures: Pirates, Yoga Y, Super K Cereal, Salty and Pierre #9, Army Ants Z, Abby's Flying Fairy School: Aladdin, Rickey Gervais: Celebrity Lullabies.
Seasons 41-50: Will.I.Am: What I Am, I Like My Hair, Elmo's Got the Moves, Spider-Monster: The Musical, Amy Poehler: Challenge, Me Am What Me Am, Upside-Downton Abbey, 18 Flowers, Estimation Vacation, Pentatonix: Numbers Medley, Cookie's Crumby Pictures: Star S'mores, Grover Can Do It All, Orange is the New Snack, Janelle Monae: The Power of Yet, Sara Barellis: Just Like Magic, Josh Groban: Hey Friend, Alessa Cara: So Much Alike, Solange Knowles: I Remember.
A few additional segments that would be good to have: The first season "Up and Down", "What Makes Music", Kermit and Bob talk about frogs, and a Spaceship Surprise sketch (actually, I'd rather have the rare Starship Surprise).
While I made sure to list every segment that's been confirmed somewhere as well as what I want, there is a clip in the trailers that I can't really identify, with a celebrity I can't identify.
But I think that's a good line-up. For each decade, I listed some stuff that primarily features the human cast (except for seasons 41-50), some animated/film segments (I feel I should have listed a few more for seasons 31-50, but I've been having so much trouble remembering what animations and film come from these decades; in fact I did some Muppet Wiki searching for some, so some of those are not so much what I really want as much as it's me feeling the need to have a few more animated bits for those decades), some group scenes with the core Muppet cast (of course there's been a lot of those this past decade), and some interactions between Muppets and kids (except for the last decade; checked the wiki and it looks like there haven't been any such segments this decade).
Of course now that we know that the upcoming 50th anniversary special will be getting a DVD release as well, maybe we'll get some more great bonus clips (it'd be great if they'd include some of the clips Joe wanted to include but had to drop).