The one thing I hated about the "Spidey vs. the Sandman" sketch was in the last panel of the story in which Spiderman's eyes were a solid black instead of white with a thick dark outline. I really found that creepy, to be honest. Yet a black eye in comic books, the result of bullying, didn't bother me one bit.
It seems as if Spiderman, on TEC, was involved in heroic feats, only to end up in situations he didn't want to be in, in the end. There was one sketch where he ended up in prison after defeating the Fox; and after he captured the Birthday Bandit, he ended up celebrating the remainder of his birthday "in his birthday suit" (actually, a robe and pajamas, and barefoot), doing laundry.
I did learn that Oscar the Grouch did cross over to TEC, but I never saw it in the final two seasons. I even heard rumor that Grover may have appeared on TEC - is that true?