Using public WiFi?
Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know it was a crime to just walk in and use Starbucks' wifi as long as I buy something.
Well, I mean, they have to know you're using their wifi and you have to agree to their TOS to use it, otherwise, you're "stealing" it.
The same thing applies to when you use somebody else's unsecured wifi signal, because you're basically using for free what they pay for for their own use.
I also didn't know it was illegal to watch some of my favorite shows while having adblock turned on, because den da companies wose awl deiw money! Boo hoo hoo!
Actually, it's not the use of adblockers, it's streaming shows on illegitimate/third party services that may not use commercials. In other words, if you're gonna stream, you have to on legit services like Netflix or Hulu or what have you.