The New New Quote Thread


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Mar 11, 2009
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In Ryan Dillon's episode of the Getting Felt Up podcast, the hosts notice Ryan's puppet Caren Beige's floppy fingers.
Dan Becker: This hand design is brilliant.
Ryan: Grover's hands are that way.
Dan: Grover has one controlled finger? I don't know why I never put 2 and 2 together. Cause I just met Grover. I visited the workshop and met him, and I must have not seen floppy-fingered Grover.
Nate Begle: At one point in time, they were just floppy, right?
Ryan: Can I tell the story? Originally, all the hands were like this. The rods were shaped like a 7, and the rod would go through the index finger with some double stick tape, and the others were not armatured. Grover's hands were like that, Kermit's hands were like that, Kermit is different but his hands were floppy. So Grover's were like that for a very long time, and a lot of the monsters actually. And then, they decided to put armature in them at some point. So Grover's hands had armature in them for a really long time. And then, I remember when Eric was like "We should go back to the floppy." It wasn't that long ago.
Dan: That's genius. I love that hand.
Nate: It also looks much funnier.
Ryan: Much funnier. And you don't have to do anything, the puppet does it for you.
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Aug 12, 2015
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I'd love to hear Ryan talk about how he became Elmo. I mean obviously we know how he became Elmo's full time performer, but how did he get picked by Kevin to be the understudy? Clearly he turned out to be a fantastic choice but, what did Kevin see in Ryan's performance that would make him think he should take on the character? Was there an audition, I ask because there didn't seem to be one when Steve took over Kermit. So many questions.


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Mar 11, 2009
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I'd love to hear Ryan talk about how he became Elmo. I mean obviously we know how he became Elmo's full time performer, but how did he get picked by Kevin to be the understudy? Clearly he turned out to be a fantastic choice but, what did Kevin see in Ryan's performance that would make him think he should take on the character? Was there an audition, I ask because there didn't seem to be one when Steve took over Kermit. So many questions.
I'm right there with you.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Who knew Grover's flobby fingers were such a big deal?

FILBURT: What have I told you two about coming here?
GILBURT and NORBURT: That we should stop by as often as possible.
FILBURT: Oh yeah. You come with questions?
ILBURT and NORBURT: GYeh-yeh-yeh-yeah,
FILBURT: You may each ask one question. Gilburt?
GILBURT: (Beat) How old are you?
FILBURT: Thirty-eight. (Fart) Norburt?
NORBURT: Umm . . . why do we have these things on our shoulders?
FILBURT: Because . . . it's . . . the future! Thanks for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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Pistol: Daddy, did you ever think about lowering your prices and selling cars that run good?
Pete: (laughs) Oh, obviously, you don't know nuttin' about business!

- From Goof Troop, where Pistol calls out her dad's shady business practices.


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Aug 8, 2003
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STUART: Goodbye fake father! Goodbye fake mother!
CAMILLE: Goodbye fake son!
REGGIE: Goodbye Stuart!
CAMILLE: I'm gonna miss that boy.
REGGIE: I'm gonna miss that car.


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Aug 12, 2015
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"On Monday I never go to work
On Tuesday I stay at home
On Wednesday i'm never feeling fine, work is the last thing on my mind
On Thursday it's a holiday
And Fridays I detest
Oh it's much too late on a Saturday
And Sunday is the day of rest"
- Lyrics from They Might Be Giants song "I Never Go to Work"

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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David:You know this could be a real positive experience for you guys. There's a wonderful and exciting world out there when we discover that we don't need TV to entertain us.
Butt-Head:He said anus.
Beavis:Entertain us, anus. Oh yeah.
David: Did you hear a word I just said?
Butt-Head:Uh, yeah, anus.


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Mar 11, 2009
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From 2014 New York Comic Con.
Joey Mazzarino: Leslie tortures me all the time. Leslie has a little, what is it?
Leslie Carrara: It's a guinea pig named Gail.
Joey: She has a plastic guinea pig named Gail.
Leslie: It's in my Captain America backpack.
Joey: And she hides it on the set. And she'll hand it to celebrities, she'll hand it to the First Lady. It drives me nuts that it's there, and I spent my days trying to capture it and kill it.
Leslie: Well, one year he did. He kidnapped Gail, and there were ransom notes.
Joey: It was the greatest back-and-forth, it went for the whole season. And there were "missing" posters. She had actors playing cops from Nurse Jackie come up and investigate me. And finally, there was one episode called Dirtballs, and in it, the characters are digging in dirt, and they were supposed to find something, and I had the prop guy put a little tiny casket in there. We bought a second Gail and chopped it to pieces. And in the middle of a take, Baby Bear brings it out and goes "What's this"? And her face was priceless.
Leslie: He sent me a box that had her ear in it. And there's a picture of Gail, my husband just came up here and handed me Gail by the way. And we did a whole "We miss you, Gail." And Sheryl Crow did a little song for it.
Joey: It was the greatest season-long story.
Leslie: If you watch Caroll Spinney's documentary, I Am Big Bird, there's a cameo of Gail.
Joey: It is the bane of my existence.