Lucas washed his hands of the franchise, and I'm sure he's still self deluded enough to never renounce them. At this point, I have more faith in Disney pressuring Fox to release the original films somehow. At least, I'm hoping that's likely and Lucas didn't put a clause in the buyout contract to never let them see the light of day. Releasing the original versions of the film would be a license to print money for both Fox and Disney. But Lucas, he's been in his own little world. Back up special feature releases were the best fans got with him in charge.
But back to YS... Zemeckis's moment of clarity after that awful movie bombed somehow hints that he somehow knew it was a bad idea, but would have gone forward with it anyway knowing it was a mistake. On every level, this was a bad idea. YS is an amazing film
for the animation. Not that it wouldn't be a relatively good film otherwise, but the visuals and trippy sequences of animation
are the film. It surpasses the Beatles aspect. Even if it was Pixar like stylized fun animation instead of the stiff MoCap there's a complete loss of translation.
Now, add to the matter the "things have to look like they would in real life" aspect, Uncanney Valley has passed, and now we're into nightmare territory. The Meanies look
frightening. And not in the way they're supposed to be disgusting and evil and dark... they look downright like horrifying monster human hybrid abominations that would
hunt you down and kill you in the most sadistic and gorn-y ways imaginable. Unimaginable even. And the one that doesn't looks like George Costanza. That's going to look rough on a Burger King collector's glass.

Meanies are supposed to look all together threatening in a goofy way that's surprising. Instead they turned into a violent biker gang of murdermutants.
If Zemeckis wanted to ruin a Beatles project, why not remake the awful cartoon series that makes Ringo into an idiot and that Paul Frees didn't even bother doing anything but generic British accents instead of putting any effort because he didn't care? Seriously. Paul Frees's voice is like music when he's having fun. Any Bullwinkle cartoon will prove that. Heck, I kinda like him a little more than Mel Blanc. But this was just work for him.