Seriously, WHY do all of Disney's girls look like clones of Miley Cyrus? I mean really, it was bad enough back in the day when I couldn't tell her, Selena Gomez, and Demi Lovato apart (NOW, Selena's the only one who still looks like her old self, but that's besides the point).
I've heard better, I've heard worse. I think perhaps, "I don't remember packing you a bunny for lunch" could have been met with a less enthusiastic laugh, whereas, "Please-please-please!" really didn't even need a laugh at all.
And boy, Jessie's voice and her speech mannerisms are annoying... and WHY do they always add in guinea pig sounds whenever there's a bunny on the show? Bunnies don't warble like that.
I've heard better, I've heard worse. I think perhaps, "I don't remember packing you a bunny for lunch" could have been met with a less enthusiastic laugh, whereas, "Please-please-please!" really didn't even need a laugh at all.
And boy, Jessie's voice and her speech mannerisms are annoying... and WHY do they always add in guinea pig sounds whenever there's a bunny on the show? Bunnies don't warble like that.