D23 Expo: Muppet news and happenings

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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.................... HUZZABAWAZZAMAHAHA!

That. Is. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. ... Awesome.

So much good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2009
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yea he sort of dissapeared with scooter but when scooter came back i expected rowlf too come back too i guess not:sympathy:


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2004
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This...is...soooooooooooo SWEET! :insatiable::smile: If I was alowed to say HOLY S-word on MC i would right now cause im sooooo thrilled! :excited:


New Member
Sep 13, 2009
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As far as the Disneyland promotion stuff goes at the end of the "theme parks" section of the presentation we were told something to the extent of, "there's also something really cool we're doing that we talk about but you'll know all about it in a few monthes.". I figured she was making reference to the parks promotional stuff.

Also as far as the "remaster" of muppet-vision I talked to my friend who works electrical engineering/show design and he said what they said was only half true. As of a few weeks ago the had replaced the film version with a digital projection system, they do not however have any plans to fully remaster and upgrade the 3d technology of the film.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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all of the news is amazingly wonderfully and unbelievably awesome and amazing! and i cant wait!

Was Once Ernie

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Okay... scooped by everyone in the world. Just kidding. I couldn't have remembered all the details anyway.

Some additions:

Rowlf was at least represented in one still picture, so he's still alive (and not the group shot that was on the screen when we walked in. There was another one.)

Muppet*Vision is being remastered in Disney Digital 3D. Lylle mentioned that it is one of the last things that Jim did and only the technology on it is outdated, so it looks like it will remain in Disneyland at least for the foreseeable future.

The Muppet Mobile Labs has been in Japan for a while and they love it so much that she said they can't get it back, so they are going to build a new one.

Kermit is going to be in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade again, singing the same song but this time as a duet with a young pop star whose name I can't remember at the moment.

I thought Sam looked pretty good in person. Maybe the reason he looks different to people is that he is now covered in fleece instead of being bare foam.

They gave out a ton of prizes, including a Kermit Skateboard, copies of the three books, a sold-out Kermit scarf from Macy's, the three seasons of The Muppet Show on DVD, a new Kermit Halloween costume, a Robert Tonner Piggy, a Whatnot gift certificate and other stuff I can't think of right now. They gave everyone who attended a Muppet bracelet. They called a number that was ONE NUMBER AWAY from mine! So, I didn't win anything.

Speaking of the Whatnots, there are a bunch of new clothes coming, all different facial hair and... Monsters!

"Letters to Santa" is going to be repeated on NBC this year and they're hoping it will become a perennial.

They didn't give any release date for Muppet Show Season 4, just showed the box cover.

There was no more news about the feature, they just showed a "logo" for it, which is basically hand-scrawled.

The line for the meet and greet with Fozzie, Gonzo and Pepe was at least an hour and a half long, so I didn't wait. I left, then came back after an hour and fifteen minutes and they were still there. At that point, I could hear them and it was Eric, Dave and Bill. I don't know if they were taking breaks, but they were definitely clowning around with people, making the line go even slower. It was probably still 45 minutes to an hour wait, so I left again.

That's all for now. I'll post more as I remember it.



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2006
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The Muppet Mobile Labs has been in Japan for a while and they love it so much that she said they can't get it back, so they are going to build a new one.
All excellent information, and very much appreciated! However I think you mean Hong Kong. Muppet Mobile Labs hasn't made its way to TDL or TDS yet to my knowledge.