Customers on Mopatop's Shop


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Joggy
Is anyone here a fan of Moosey Mouse?

Moosey is one of the mice from Muppet Christmas Carol, with a yellow sweater on. He lives above the shop with his parents, and in every episode he has a little adventure of his own, usually unnoticed by Mopatop, Puppyduck, and the customers. He's always there to check things out whenever something's happening, or to find something for his parents... and I just LOVE him!!! :big_grin:
Yeah the whole Mopatop gang rock. Im personally more a fan of Bear in the big Blue House(as I havent really been able to see Mopatop episodes cept the 4 on that really bad quality Real Player format) Now if only I could understand what Mopatop says^_^