And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


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Sep 16, 2002
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Btw, does Trump even know who started the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? It wasn't the evil libtards.

"These problems will not stand still for politics or for partisanship. They demand to be met now. By meeting them now, we can make 1972 the best year ever for environmental progress. The time has come to make his peace with nature. Let us renew our commitment. Let us redouble our effort. The quality of our life on this good land is a cause to unite all Americans."--President Richard Nixon

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Okay, you're a history textbook maker guy and you're making a list of key words in your chapter on the trump administration, what do you include? I'll start

- Fake News
- Alternative Facts


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Ok So I have done some very interesting reading. The first thing I read was the budget blueprint simply titled " Make America Great Again Plan" The one very special part of the plan is the section that talks about the Art and CPB( Cooperation of Public Broadcasting) The plan clearly states it wants to ELEMINATE all funding to CPB and sevral museum funding. What is not in the plan is a stragiagy on how these departments are going to be funded, or even stay alive.
Now that in itself may not sound to some, like myself that bad. However I did some more reading, and learned how horibal this actually is.
I recently learned the history, mission, and sole reason the CPB was created. Now I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail, but I have learned some very interesting points that I feel are worth sharing.

1. The President of the United States, and a couple of congressman and senators are the ones who decide who is in charge or is the CFO of the CPB.
Now that in itself is going to be a huge issue with our current president. Why keep someone in charge of something that is not going to be funded.

2. Most of the revenue the CPB recives is from the federal government. By way of grants. 95% of that revenue is used to help fund free educational programs and events, that help younger kids be more prepared for entering into school, and also help older kids with other educational and social stuggles they may have.

3. PBS and CPB are still very much needed even in this day in age when there are so many other "kid" networks and shows out there. The reason they are still needed is unlike these other networks PBS is free. Which means that in a lot of areas you do not need Cable in order to view there programs.
So the reason I posted all this is to say this. When I first heard of these cutsI thought thatbit was not a very big deal. Now I see how wrong I was, and for that I am sorry.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Okay, you're a history textbook maker guy and you're making a list of key words in your chapter on the trump administration, what do you include? I'll start

- Fake News
- Alternative Facts
- Toupee
- hated by bald eagles
- Hillary's child sweat shop

Ok So I have done some very interesting reading. The first thing I read was the budget blueprint simply titled " Make America Great Again Plan" The one very special part of the plan is the section that talks about the Art and CPB( Cooperation of Public Broadcasting) The plan clearly states it wants to ELEMINATE all funding to CPB and sevral museum funding. What is not in the plan is a stragiagy on how these departments are going to be funded, or even stay alive.
Now that in itself may not sound to some, like myself that bad. However I did some more reading, and learned how horibal this actually is.
I recently learned the history, mission, and sole reason the CPB was created. Now I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail, but I have learned some very interesting points that I feel are worth sharing.

1. The President of the United States, and a couple of congressman and senators are the ones who decide who is in charge or is the CFO of the CPB.
Now that in itself is going to be a huge issue with our current president. Why keep someone in charge of something that is not going to be funded.

2. Most of the revenue the CPB recives is from the federal government. By way of grants. 95% of that revenue is used to help fund free educational programs and events, that help younger kids be more prepared for entering into school, and also help older kids with other educational and social stuggles they may have.

3. PBS and CPB are still very much needed even in this day in age when there are so many other "kid" networks and shows out there. The reason they are still needed is unlike these other networks PBS is free. Which means that in a lot of areas you do not need Cable in order to view there programs.
So the reason I posted all this is to say this. When I first heard of these cutsI thought thatbit was not a very big deal. Now I see how wrong I was, and for that I am sorry.
And don't forget Ken Burns documentaries! Where would we be without Ken Burns documentaries?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Because Barron is still currently in school, and they want to finish his current semester before they move in.