And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


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Apr 5, 2009
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PBS has always been strapped for cash. And presidents as far back as Nixon have threatened to do away with it. It seemed every ten years would be another cash crisis, yet they always managed to scrape enough funds together to stay afloat.
And when they need to rely on corporations like Lipton, Pfizer, and McDonald's to keep afloat, you know there's something wrong. Though it was only McD's that got crap for it despite their sponsorship tags never once advertising fast food, while Lipton and Pfizer blatantly shilled their products with nary a peep from moral guardians. And never once have they bothered to start pledging money in response.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Thanks to Dictator Drumpf killing internet privacy, I now cannot log into much of anything without a security prompt. Gmail locked me out of my account until I agreed to have Google text me a verification code, Facebook locked me out until I identified photos of specific friends, and just logging into another account online locked me out because of "unusual activity."


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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You know what I've noticed Trump supporters are doing more and more of? Regarding certain groups of people are numbers, figures, statistics, and percentages, instead of . . . well, people. Like how they keep bringing up that, "Gay people are less that 1% of the population," or, "Black people are only 14% of the population," etc. What exactly are they trying to get across when they do this? That white people are still the "master" race or something?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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You know what I've noticed Trump supporters are doing more and more of? Regarding certain groups of people are numbers, figures, statistics, and percentages, instead of . . . well, people. Like how they keep bringing up that, "Gay people are less that 1% of the population," or, "Black people are only 14% of the population," etc. What exactly are they trying to get across when they do this? That white people are still the "master" race or something?
These people should be reminded that our legal rights are not dependent on population percentages. Also, the official percentage of people who admit to being LGBT in America is between 4 and 5 percent. It's probably a lot more than that and we would know that from the next census report if the Trump administration hadn't worked to have that question removed. That is bigotry. The clear intent is to undermine how many of us exist and contribute to the fabric of America. All Trump supporters aren't bigots, but they're apparently okay with turning a blind eye to it. I'm just so tired of the majority whining about minorities. Minorities are not the problem. The reason our economy sucks is due to rich folk like Trump taking American jobs overseas. A lot of it also has to do with automation. These are difficult problems to solve, but it's easier for politicians to simply black, latino and LGBT Americans. It's lazy and cheap, but it works on angry, mediocre minds. :frown:


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Aug 8, 2003
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I'm just so tired of the majority whining about minorities.
Yeah - notice how they always complain about the LGBT community "forcing their lifestyle down our throats," yet they're the ones who are always trying force everybody to conform to their way of life because it's "the American Way." Like, I don't know if this is true, but I heartell Trump is wanting to put God back into public schools, when the reason God was removed from public schools in the first place was because not every student who attends public school is Christian . . . this is the same reason why we started saying "Happy Holidays," because not everybody in America celebrates Christmas. When I was in school, only Jewish students were excused from school on Jewish holidays . . . I understand now all students are allowed off on Jewish holidays, whether they're Jewish or not. Like I said before, there is a faith-based educational system that's an alternative to public school: private school. I was homeschooled for all but four weeks of high school, and I can tell you that their courses are very much based on religion - World History was essentially the Old Testament - and Bible Study is actually a required course.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Yeah - notice how they always complain about the LGBT community "forcing their lifestyle down our throats," yet they're the ones who are always trying force everybody to conform to their way of life because it's "the American Way." Like, I don't know if this is true, but I heartell Trump is wanting to put God back into public schools, when the reason God was removed from public schools in the first place was because not every student who attends public school is Christian . . . this is the same reason why we started saying "Happy Holidays," because not everybody in America celebrates Christmas. When I was in school, only Jewish students were excused from school on Jewish holidays . . . I understand now all students are allowed off on Jewish holidays, whether they're Jewish or not. Like I said before, there is a faith-based educational system that's an alternative to public school: private school. I was homeschooled for all but four weeks of high school, and I can tell you that their courses are very much based on religion - World History was essentially the Old Testament - and Bible Study is actually a required course.
Yup. It's classic projection. But this is the "I'm rubber; you're glue" presidency were experiencing with Trump accusing everybody else of doing what he's been guilty of in order to deflect attention. Ha! As far as the Bible taught in school, I think we should definitely explore Christianity in schools because it's shaped a lot of things in this country, and that is already in the curriculum. We should also learn about all the other religions and cultures that shape our country and the world too. We've got to learn how to better understand each other and socialize with one another. The only problem progressives have is with public schools endorsing one religion over another. That's unconstitutional. There really should be no argument. In fact, there are many practices in the public square that are unconstitutional, but we've become used to them. It should also be noted that our pledge of allegiance, in itself, is unconstitutional if it is a requirement. Also, the "One nation, under God" portion was added in the 50's. It wasn't there before, just as In God We Trust wasn't always on our money either. Most of the people who try to defend these traditions know very little about them. :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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All Trump supporters aren't bigots, but they're apparently okay with turning a blind eye to it.
That brings to mind something else too: some of them turn a blind eye to the problems in the country (racism, sexism, bigotry, inequality, etc.) because they claim that drawing attention and speaking out about these issues makes you a "Social Justice Warrior," which apparently, according to them, is even worse, because acknowledging such problems exist is somehow the reason the problems are still alive, whereas turning a blind eye to them apparently means it doesn't really exist.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

EDIT: You know, I was struck by a thought today: what exactly is the different between the right and the alt-right? And come to think of it, why does the right continue to form their own sub-parties within their own party? I mean, Sarah Palin started the Tea Party simply because she opposed Obama's 2008 victory . . . how come nobody on the left has started a similar sup-party to oppose Trump's victory? Like, with the GOP always trying to rob from the poor to give to the rich, why don't we have a Robin Hood Party?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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That brings to mind something else too: some of them turn a blind eye to the problems in the country (racism, sexism, bigotry, inequality, etc.) because they claim that drawing attention and speaking out about these issues makes you a "Social Justice Warrior," which apparently, according to them, is even worse, because acknowledging such problems exist is somehow the reason the problems are still alive, whereas turning a blind eye to them apparently means it doesn't really exist.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

EDIT: You know, I was struck by a thought today: what exactly is the different between the right and the alt-right? And come to think of it, why does the right continue to form their own sub-parties within their own party? I mean, Sarah Palin started the Tea Party simply because she opposed Obama's 2008 victory . . . how come nobody on the left has started a similar sup-party to oppose Trump's victory? Like, with the GOP always trying to rob from the poor to give to the rich, why don't we have a Robin Hood Party?
There's an all-or-nothing sort of feeling that eclipses most folk's common sense. Options should fall on a spectrum rather than the two extremes. We have more options than just two and there are degrees with with everything. That's been lost because that requires people to think and people hate to think too hard, particularly after a long day's work. We have a growing streak of anti-intellectualism in America. Basically, the more informed a candidate is, the less appealing they become to the majority of Americans. That's just sad. We used to prioritize intelligence, but now we shame it. One doesn't have to be some sort of unhinged social justice warrior in order to behave thoughtfully toward others. One just has to be kind and willing to simply apologize after offending someone. That's basic civility. It's an endangered species.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I am a Trump fan, not a supporter just a fan. I do not support anyone who spreads hate to anyone else. I to can see that his presidency is crumbling fast!