I won't be posting anymore...

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I feel like I don't want to be part of MC anymore. I feel...betrayed isn't the word, but I feel like people are being petty about something stupid. Yeah the incident I'm referring to happened weeks ago, but...it wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a thread made basically insulting the CCC and myself. You may have noticed the CCC thread isn't active (or not. I don't care), because after the incident, we ended it. It's one thing to quit. It's another thing to then beg me to join their rp and then when I say no to backhandedly insult me and the CCC.

I've been here a long time and I know I can be hard to get along with and I know that I can be thickheaded. But...I dunno. I think I've finally had enough. That's not to say I will be leaving the forum entirely, but I certainly will not be as active anymore. I'm tired of clashing with members. I'm tired of being involved in fights. I'm tired of everything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Just checking in and letting everybody know I'm still around. I've had some really bad personal stuff in my life I don't want to get into right now, but I'm still checking out and reading this forum and still alive. You can't keep a good pizza boy down!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I remember the good ol' days when this pizza boy named Bob named John often requested graphics and illustrations for his various different media projects... good times. :stick_out_tongue:

But still, Christmas is the time of year when you can watching that OTHER SESAME STREET Christmas special without actually having to have an actual reason for doing so.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I feel like I don't want to be part of MC anymore. I feel...betrayed isn't the word, but I feel like people are being petty about something stupid. Yeah the incident I'm referring to happened weeks ago, but...it wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a thread made basically insulting the CCC and myself. You may have noticed the CCC thread isn't active (or not. I don't care), because after the incident, we ended it. It's one thing to quit. It's another thing to then beg me to join their rp and then when I say no to backhandedly insult me and the CCC.

I've been here a long time and I know I can be hard to get along with and I know that I can be thickheaded. But...I dunno. I think I've finally had enough. That's not to say I will be leaving the forum entirely, but I certainly will not be as active anymore. I'm tired of clashing with members. I'm tired of being involved in fights. I'm tired of everything.
You have been here as long as I can remember, and have always been nice and friendly to me. I think you won some MC forum awards when we had them, and you also just been an all around great supporter of the Muppets and the other works of Jim Henson. Not to mention a huge part of the forum.
I hate to see members that have been here longer then myself leave or get mistreated due to "issues: like the one you mentioned. I hope that you decide to stay and that the forum as a hole or those involved in the issue can move on and enjoy the fourm and be kind to one another. I mean come on we have a new Muppet move coming out in less then a year, and I know that everyone is going to want to be a part of that.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Don't worry, I'm not leaving completely. I was actually pretty active this past weekend for some reason :B

I'm just...trying to not involve myself in conversations that may lead to me clashing with another member.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Don't worry, I'm not leaving completely. I was actually pretty active this past weekend for some reason :B

I'm just...trying to not involve myself in conversations that may lead to me clashing with another member.
Well good, I don't know the whole issue nor do I want to. I did however look at the CCC thread, and I don't know I think somewhere things got kind of off track maybe. It was a great idea, and I tried to get involved with it myself. I just could not seem to wrap my head around who I was or find my place.
I would love to see and be a part of a good RPG that everyone would enjoy reading and being a part of. Of course I want that for all of Muppet Central as A whole, but that is another thread entirely.

Vincent L

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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I know I'm pretty much gone lately, but never made it official. Now it is.
Anyway, I'm sorry. I just...don't identify with this community anymore. Too much has happened. It's just too much for me. But I'll remember the times when posting here was, you know, fun. Thanks everyone, who I became friends with. And just everyone in general. I'll remember the good times.
I now mod another forum, admin another wiki, and just...well...goodbye.

Muppet fan 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Goodbye Vince. I'll see you around the Wikis or on Twitter, hopefully, and we'll miss you around here.

I hope you'll make occasional visits around here (especially with the major fact that MMW is soon out), but until then, I guess this is goodbye. :frown:


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2012
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Hey, everybody, I may be leaving this forum soon, but not for good, so don't worry, let's face it, I haven't made much posts recently, so you know something's been up, I'll still make occasional posts, I just won't make as much as I did before, as much as I hate leaving my friends on the forums such as DrTooth, Muppet Fan 123, & many more, I'm going to try focusing more on my inspiration, which is becoming an Animator, so I'm wishing you guys a goodbye for now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I think I ought to split for a while, we seem to be having problems with communication around here: people are taking my sarcasm seriously, and thinking I'm being sarcastic when I'm serious... it's a source for a lot of confusion, and I think I might as well just take a break for a while. :smirk: