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Your Thoughts: The Muppets' Wizard of Oz

What did you think of The Muppets' Wizard of Oz?

  • Oz was great

    Votes: 57 23.0%
  • Oz was good

    Votes: 92 37.1%
  • Oz was disappointing

    Votes: 64 25.8%
  • Oz was awful

    Votes: 35 14.1%

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That Announcer

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2005
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It's practically guaranteed he watched it and laughed, perhaps in Floyd voice. I sincerely hope he enjoyed it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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hm... kind of interesting thinking about muppeteers watching muppet stuff at home... now I'm sort of imaginging a bunch of muppeteers all sitting on a couch watching tv... hm...

and, um, on a little bit of a side note... MWoO? Emerald? um... breath. be nice. please? um... yeah. end side note.
<walks off a bit uncomfortably>


New Member
May 20, 2005
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Poppy Club

MWoO said:
Again, how would you have done the Wizard scene with a tv special budget?

The poppy club was their version of the poppy fields from the book and the movie. Do you know nothing about the story? It's there to stop them from reaching the emerald city. It's like a test to make sure they don't make it. They made it a club to make it more modern and to give the EM a chance to get some screen time.
They did not come up with the Poppy Club. It is taken off of "The Wiz", a 1980s musical with Michael Jackson.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2002
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Parents need to know how to handle their kids. One of my managers got a call at work saying her 6 year old brought a plastic sword to school because he's a Jedi and he's going to kill one of his classmates. The principal called my manager to set up a meeting for two days later. She was asking me what she should do. She's 14 years older than I am. I told her to tell her son that good Jedis don't kill people. Kids have imagination. I used to pretend I was Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I never got lost in the sewers. Turns out not just HER kid brought a plastic sword, others did too. They're just excited about the new Star Wars movie. Look how many of us did that when we were kids. We turned out ok. Pepe's "Girls Gone Wild" comment Friday night was no different than Janice's "Look, Mother, it's my own life, okay, so if I want to live on a beach and walk around naked...." from The Great Muppet Caper back in the day.
Kids now-a-days have Pokemon and Yui-gi-Oh or however you spell it. they're not interested in Muppets. I say let them have their anime and let us older "kids" have our "adult-oriented" Muppets. You can't protect everybody. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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I've seen Pokemon a few times and thought it was bad. I wish kids today were exposed to all the good 80's and early 90's cartoons I was exposed to.

*Anyway, back on topic!!*



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Emerald said:
You're right - I am sensitive. I'm a teacher, and I am tired of seeing first hand what our society is doing to children - our "future".
I agree with a lot of what you said...it is sad innocence is lost so early and kids are having to be exposed to a lot of crap and grow up so fast. Then again, kids are overall more aware these days. Can their minds process all this stuff tho?

See, my problem with MWOOz is that there is no way this would have been made during JH' time. Johnny and Sal holding up a plastic sheet in anticipation of blood, as they film what they hope are people's deaths...geez freaking louise, does this not seriously alarm any fan here?

Yes the 80's were a different time...even tho famine, war and AIDS ravaged the world, for me the 1980's were a time of pure innocence. 1990 destroyed all that.

But I think children are taught the wrong values. Were taught to accept dogmatic doctrine without embracing other cultures, we live in ultra geocentric times. We teach our kids to salute the flag and worship our leaders like they are deities. That soldiers are heroes and therefor violence is the solution. We fill our kids with meat and fast food. We teach them that its ok to hate people if they have a different religion. And this goes for a lot of societies. Balance, love, and understanding are no longer fundamentals...just complacency, complaining, and objection.

ryhoyarbie said:
I've seen Pokemon a few times and thought it was bad. I wish kids today were exposed to all the good 80's and early 90's cartoons I was exposed to.
Did you just say 'the good 90's cartoons'??? I feel sorry for kids raised in the 90's...freakin power rangers, barney, pokemon. In my day it was sesame street, old school transformers, fraggle rock, muppet show, muppet babies, etc.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Did you ever think the 90's destroyed you were older?

If you really look back at theo lder stuff they get away with a lot of stuff you could not get away with today. The difference is today you have parents groups pointing out every last adult themed thing in cartoons so you get the watered down Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. The world would be better off if mwe had more parents and less parents groups. As the parents in the group watch out for everyone else their own kids grow up wondering why mommy and daddy were crazy. The kids learn that nudity is dirty and unnatural and that a word holds so much power it can drive some people insane. How about everyone just relax. If you have kids, smack 'em when they drink underage and check in on them before they shoot up the school. Is that too much to ask for?


Jan 29, 2004
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Do individuals write for each Muppet?

Pepe - funny
Gonzo - a little
Piggy - great character
The rest - lines were blah

I don't like Pepe that much and he ended up being my favorite in the movie. What's worse - Toto normally isn't a speaking character in Oz. Did they feel too restricted with the other characters to explore more?

It was OK, but definitely not what I was hoping.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I think they made Toto a talking character because it would be kind of weird to have some muppet dog following them and not talking and of course a real dog just wouldn't work. So the only way to have Toto is as a talking character. Of course I would rather Rowlf, but Rowlf is kind of big. It kind of ruins the whole idea of Dorothy's little dog.

Anyone notice Piggy seemed to be really in character this time? I don't mean the attempted killing in stuff, but the attitude and her interacting with Foofoo and stuff. Her making kissey noises was EXACTLY like that episode of TMS where she makes kissing noises and says "oo dee boo boo boo". It was JUST like TMS Piggy and not the angry Piggy that we got since MCC.