Alright. I watched this last night with some friends, and again today, because I taped it and I could.
This is what I thought. I went it with very low expectations, from reading things on this forum, and you guys can definately be downers because I was not expecting much. I throughly enjoyed watching this movie. It wasn't fantastic, if you're going to compare it to other things, but really, if you were expecting gold, you'd be foolish. Alot of puppeteers have been changed lately, and with the whole Disney deal, we the fans are lucky we even have any new muppet films at all. For a tv movie, it's pretty good. It's not up to calibre of any of the feature films, obviously, what with it being shorter and having much less of a budget, but I went it to watch the movie and enjoy it on it's own, and I did.
Things that I particularily liked:
> Right at the beggining, the random joke about the tornado warning. Something along the lines of, "The twister had been upgraded form right foot green to right foot yellow". This made me smile because it's silly, and Twister is fun, and there are always little goofy moments in anything muppety, so I knew that there was going to be alot of fun.
> Gonzo was amazing. 'Nuff said
> I enjoyed watching Pepe. He almost crosses the line, which is alot of fun to watch, and he brought alot of fun to the picture. Did anyone catch him singing, "Cashmere is washable" in the song When I'm With you?

> Piggy as the four witches was very cool. I was all, "Nessa!!" when the house fell on her.
> I squealed when I saw Stadler and Waldorf! Other squealing moments were the Frank Oz nod, the scene when Kermit and Gonzo get torn apart (specifically Kermit's arms, I gasped), and Clifford (unlike most people, I like Clifford)
> The pirates as the monkeys, that was neat!
Things that caught me off-guard:
> Ashanti has a pretty voice, but I just didn't find her blending very well with the muppet style. But she is a relatively popular musician so I'm hoping the bright side is alot of people tuned in to see her
> I found in certain scenes that Fozzie sounded a bit too much like Piggy. In others though, the voice was excellent. Chances are it was just an off-moment
> I found it difficult watching Scooter. He seemed a bit out-of-place to me. I don't know what I was expecting, but I found it a bit unnerving.
> Rizzo should have had a larger part! He worked so well with Gonzo in MTI, but there wasn't really a chance for him in this one. He had a few good lines though.
Overall, I throughly enjoyed it, and from here, they can only go up! (Not to say that this is rock-bottom or anything, or that it's fantastic, but I liked it and it shows promise).
Oh and one more thing, forgive my ignorance, but who's Eisner? I watched MwoO on the CBC, and there was definately no-one named Eisner in the movie when I watched it.