Anyone else find it odd that Thog was among the relatively small group of characters in the office when they get their chance to do the telethon? Pretty much everyone else there got a scene earlier in the film and had been well-known to casual fans (well, fans would have known who Walter and Miss Poggy were by that scene, unless they entered the theater so late that that's the first scene they saw), and fans would know that the Muppets have many generic rats. Thog would sort of stick-out, and with such a small group, I feel they should have included a few more obscure characters in that scene (I'm thinking Nigel, Lips, maybe Wayne and Wanda). They also could have included Robin, Link, and Dr. Strangepork there.
Oh! Heh, I loved that visual sight gag. How theyre talking to the tv exec in the office, but when the camera pans back to them all the sudden there's Thog and a bunch of characters.
Man, Thog, while he doesn't have any lines, had a TON of screen time. And was Thog truly that enormous in the show? He looks like the size of a small building

Kind of wish there had been Bossmen, I loved how they showed up in VMX.
Also...Behemoth...he gets a number of lines, is in a bunch of scenes. Thats crazy!(or "Gene" as he's called) I havent seen him since Muppets Tonight. Was sad there was barely any Carl since they had built him up in the last couple years. Also Bean and Clifford were MIA. But yeah several years ago, did we ever think wed get a big critically beloved film that had a prominent role for Uncle Deadly and Behemoth? Deadly even has the most pivotal scene at the end...crazy!
Oh and for the hardcore old school TMS-philes out there...that Wayne and Wanda show stealing scene, wow! Bobbins really went all out with the TMS love to say the least. I love how we see one scene with the famous backstage(where the sheep is chowing down on a bucket of papers) Seeing Scooter do his famous "seconds to curtain" door opening was great too.
Again, all eyes and thoughts are now on not just the next film...but a proper return to tv. C'mon ABC, you can do it!