Hello, Phillip! Thanks for the nice in depth review. Your review was more helpful and extensive than others I'd seen online. Until today, I did not know there even was a ToysRUs 3D poster version/exclusive! I've been hornswoggled!

Was it as difficult compiling and comparing the different variations of this release for a review as it was to actually finding and tracking down specific versions of this release in stores? I still have not seen the DVD with soundtrack version in person. No wonder nobody voted for that one in the poll above.
Not that I buy a lot of movies, but I personally have never seen such a difficult to get Blu-ray/DVD! Worse than the Twilight films! I've counted at least 10 different variations of this release. I finally got a copy of the version I wanted yesterday, but it was not an easy find.

Several of the Muppets cardboard promotional display shelves in many of the local stores I visited were NOT stocked with "The Muppets", but rather "Lady and the Tramp". While that may have been the stores themselves doing that, the marketing/distribution on this DVD has been horrendous, in my opinion. I'm glad it's the top selling DVD again this week. But a movie would sell that much better if it was actually available. Hopefully Disney learns and it will be a different story with the next Muppet film.