Just got this CD from the local library (though I was a bit hacked off that it was labeled as "children's music"...) and have given it a thorough listen. Here are my opinions, if anyone cares.
1.) Not a huge fan of OK-Go's rather bland take on the beloved theme, but I love many things about the accompanying music video, so I'll forgive it even though I usually skip the track.
2.) I actually kind of cannot stand this cover of Rainbow Connection, because the way they alter some of the sung melody drives me up the freaking wall and it sounds bad when I sing along using the original vocal stylings. I generally skip this one, and wish I liked it more. I prefer the two new Kermit & co. performances on the soundtrack. Nice instrumentation here, though.
3.) I generally skip this track, too. I like the instrumentation, clapping and "doo-doo-do-do-do", but the guy singing the "mahna mahna" parts BOTHERS ME. His voice is grating and he has none of the life and expressiveness that Jim's performance does. This guy sounds bored/intoxicated/half asleep to me. Unimpressed.
4.) "Movin' Right Along" is probably my favorite Muppet Song ever, and I actually like this cover fairly well. While it's missing much of the charm of the original instruments and vocal performances, it's still catchy and fun and I find myself listening to it often and singing along.
5.) Our World. This is not a song I'm familiar with, but I REALLY like it. The lyrics are so Muppety-sweet and pure, and I like the (as someone upthread mentioned) Beatle-esque styling here. This song makes me happy.
6.) Halfway Down the Stairs. I dont' have very strong feelings about this one either way. It's not really a music style that I'm super fond of, but I don't get annoyed by it, so that's something I suppose. I don't usually skip the track, but I usually sing along in Robin's voice in my head.
7.) Mr. Bassman, pretty fun little cover. It's not a style of song that I typically spend a lot of time listening to, so I generally skip it... but I think it's a decent cover of a song I was never all that into to start with.
8.) Wishing Song. I really like this track! It took me a moment to figure out what the heck it was, and then I remembered it's Gonzo's sad little song from the Madeline Kahn episode, which I've always liked. I was surprised and pleased it was included here, and the styling appeals to me pretty well.
9.) I was also surprised to see Night Life on here, too, but I think they did a good job with it. It's a bit jarring for me to listen to that oh-so-recognizable intro music and then some random dude starts singing, because I am SO expecting to hear Dr. Teeth start singing! I sometimes skip this track just because I'm not in the mood to ROCK OUT, but I think it's a well done cover.
10.) This is a sweet little version of Bein' Green. I like the musical styling and instrumentation a great deal.
11.) I didn't really like this version of I Hope That Something Better Comes Along at first... but it's starting to grow on me. I like that they kept it basically a simple piano piece and I like the extra verses... they must have been intended for the original version?? Because the lyrics are perfect, so much so that I was like, "Wait, does he sing about Irish Setters and Collies giving you a 'new leash on life' in the Muppet Movie??" and I had to go watch the movie to check.
12.) I wasn't sure what to think of this version of Gonzo's signature song at first, but it's pretty much totally grown on me. I love her kind of retro-spacey, dreamy instrumentation, the climactic build to the "Come and go with me, it's more fun to share" part, and the long, sweet instrumental break after the "invisible strings". A really lovely, creative cover. In a totally different style, but captures so much of the feeling of the song, to me.
I would be happy if they kept doing albums like this, though I would be even happier if they made the original Muppet versions easily available, too!