This release has all of the uncut season three episodes so that gives it a perfect score in my book.
However, I was a little disappointed in the packaging design and art. The person involved in this has minimal Photoshop skills at best. It's not horrible, just C- grade work. The other releases were much more attractive looking.
The special features are very light. The Muppets on Puppets special is cool. The Company of Players is kind of strange because much of it is lifted from other better documentaries. The brief Purina ads are a delight. I miss Baskerville.
I still think there's something missing. Not the morsels though. I will leave that to others to miss that season one inclusion. The subtitles included songs this time so that makes me happy. The price point at Virgin was just over $30 so that's good.
The menus are pretty. I like that the backdrop is different again, but I'm kind of tired of the Kermit/Piggy dynamic. Even as a fan I now find it tedious and overdone. Give me more Fozzie and Kermit, or even Bunsen and Beaker. I know they have Rowlf, Scooter and the Mayhem puppets built and handy so why not do something with them? I know the frog and pig are a good draw for non-fans, but they would have already purchased their copy by the time they view the menus so this is where fan satisfaction comes in. Heck even Steve performing Rizzo and Eric doing Sam the Eagle would have been better.
But enough of this complaining. It's attractive enough and the episodes of Muppety goodness are all there. Happy frogboy.