Not that it wasn't funny... but it was just way too off kilter to achieve the classic sense. As I've said a trillion times by now, I actually think the Steve and Eric E&B segments are far superior to the Frank and Steve segments because of the chemistry alone. But I really think they need to go back and remake or adapt old sketches with a new twist (they've certainly done that before). I mean, like a remake of the "H" TV segment with Bert trying to use a computer, and having the screen freeze up with a letter H. In the meantime, I'd rather see unseen E&B Claymations than Murrays they showed twice this year and twice last year. Much as I love Murray.Awww... no love for the Frog in the Oatmeal? I LOVED that one and found it hysterical! I think Eric actually managed to out-Oz Frank in that one!
(Snickers)... if ONLY PBS still did pledge drives for kid's programming. They don't anymore, and the money they get funds the programming they have to air during pledge month.Oh my, based on the discussions here i can just see the future pledge drives...Send money now or we reduce Zoe to the size of a Twiddlebug. We will now play a Mural 17 and Computer 16 film festival over and over until we raise enough money to make different inserts!
Seriously. If only PBS didn't have to shove Wayne Dyer, Suzie Orman, and Celtic musicians singing decisively non-Celtic songs (and that gets me ol' Irish blood up, it does!