Hmmm... Am I the only one that knows that they had new episodes this week?
First off, I just have to say NEW ABBY! Finally. After all the reruns, we finally get a new episode with a never before seen episode for a change. That was getting repetitive on multiple levels. Honestly, if SS wanted to make this work, they should have thought it through a little more when interweaving the segments.
Pretty good episode, despite being an Elmo heavy show. We got a rainbow of monsters... and I was thinking that Elmo was going to pull out Zoe, Telly, Cookie... the regulars... but we got a bunch of random unnamed monsters, Narf, and Lulu (who muttered "Hey! I remember you guys!"... ha ha). And we got a reference to Gordon being a science teacher.
Abby's school... yet another episode that makes me just want a little PVC or plush of Blogg. I really like how Abby got annoyed with Gonnigan's constant "It sounds like this: 'Ding a ling a ling a ling!'" Cuz, I sure was. Nice bunch of gags... even a reference to the Artist formerly known as Prince (is he currently known as Prince now?).
I say, what's the deal with the Sesame Street English Cookie Monster letter segments?

I know they're supposed to be "anime" but somehow, they look a lot more European to me... maybe the conjoined eyes (Smurfs, Marsupilami...etc)?
Nice how they added a new Murray letter of the day opening into the mix. I kinda liked that one... "Old McMurray had a farm!" Only thing that it needed was more person/Murray interaction.
And after another wait, Ernie and Bert's great Adventures was on. Not that I don't like Murray's Lamb segments... but I was missing these. Kinda a boring one, though.
But I think the highlight of the show was Adam Sandler's "Song about Elmo." I don't know about you, but that just reminded me so much of the stuff Adam used to do on Saturday Night Live... you know, when he was
funny. Head's up... if anyone makes MP3's of these, I'd sure like that one.