No no no... One of the reasons they stopped airing Unpaved was that they were starting to politic with SW's partnership, and they were starting up the whole "The N" segment. Don't forget that.
Secondly, you were talking about Noggin's airings of an older show, where I'm referring to the current budget situation with SW. A lot of their income comes in from their profits of the merchandise, which they put back into Sesame Workshop products. They aren't getting all that much from PBS anymore (their budget is tied up with trying to buy up bad British shows before BBC America does, littering their once fruitful Britcom line up with crappy CSI knockoffs with a British accent). SW WAS counting on Elmo Live to be a big hit, and add the profits to their ever dwindling budget. But a 60 dollar toy in a Recession Christmas is a luxury buy. I'm trying to do my part, but frankly, I don't have all that money, and most of the SS products are just Elmo-centric trash.