Your Thoughts: Sesame Street Season 38


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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I liked the new opening theme and the new closing theme as well. They got rid of that hashed animated closing theme.

And that new guy, Chris, seems pretty cool. I liked how since he was new to SS, he was surprised at the Count's counting methods and his thunder storms, the dancing elephant, and how Cookie eats non-food stuff like signs.

And I liked how Cookie was trying to sell cookies and how that woman said, "Who cares about calories?" I guess it shows that Sesame Street isn't too politically correct after all.

And it looks like that elephant now has a name. Horatio Elephant.

This new season looks pretty promising. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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You know, them minutes after Elmo goes "That's why Dorthy wants us to sing." I lost the sound directly after the word sing for the remainder of the episode. But it funny because he was talking about mouths, haha!:smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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I'll be the first to comment on today's show again. Lol. Sorry, Dr. Tooth. Anyway, I'd have to say that this ep was better than the last two and it did incorporate more characters. We did see Big Bird, but only briefly. Still that's a good sign. What I thought was really interesting was that the street scene went on throughout the show in multiple parts like they used to do. I've always liked it better that way. Chris seems cool too. It's funny how he acts when he finds everything he's read about in the story actually happens. Plus, we got a new scene with loveable, furry old Grover. I liked "Alphabet Hospital." I liked some of the lines of dialogue as well, especially when Telly tried to get an idea and make a ding.

Baby Bear: That was a 'doing.'

Telly: (Wanting Luis to be the 'g' in dog.) We need you Luis. Without you, we're just "do."
Baby Bear: We'll have to make the sound of the word "dog."
Luis: Oh.
Baby Bear: No, I'm 'o.' You're 'g.'

Come to think of it, since the theme of the show was 'dogs,' they could have included Barkley somewhere.

Another thing, I'd like to bring up is in the "Letter of the Day" segment. I realize that's a few years old, but the captioning spelled ay-pricot and ah-pricot the same way. If Linda or Samara had seen that, they really would have been confused. I realize that's a bit irrelevant here, but I had that thought and wanted to mention it. I still haven't caught "Trash Gordon" or whatever they'll have at the end yet, so I'll write more later on.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK... Finished another one. And you know what the big surprise is?
A street story that takes up the entire episode.
But even then... There was a second surprise that I won't mention and I urge everybody not to either or we'll never hear the end of it from a certain former forum member.

Episode 4137: Abby's Dog Word Book.
Word on the Street: Murray Monster asks about "dog".
Street Story, Scene 1.
Live Film/Song: "I'm So Happy" by Bobby McFerrin.
Live Segment: Word on the Street explanation, is this Conan O'Brien?
Live Film/Song: "Washin' The Dog".
Segment/Song: A Soap Opera.
Animation: Wilma Wiggins hiccups an opera.
Street Story, Scene 2, with a brief appearance by Big Bird.
Animation Song: "In My Book".
Letter of the Day: A, the traditional segment with Cookie Monster and Prairie Dawn.
Song: "Soul A".
A's Anatomy.
Live Film: Two kids do some simple exercises, talking about a person's brain and all it controls.
Animation Song: "Sing" with animal sounds.
Street Story, Scene 3.
Animation Song: "The Letters Of Your Body".
Celebrity Moment: Robert Dinero and Elmo: Imagination Acting.
Animation Song: "Make-Believe" by Cecille.
The Count's Counting Organ: 11, with ticker-tape party.
Film/Song: Kids looking for an 11 in the city, *thumbs down not because of the hip-hoppy nature of the song but because they never told us where they found the number itself.
Postage Stamp Series: 11.
Street Story, Scene 4.
Animation Song: "Beginning, Middle, and End".
Muppet-Kid Moment: Murray Monster and Danielle talk about pets.
Wanda the Word Fairy: Dog.
Animation: Over and Under Dog Tricks.
Song: "Get Up, Get Out".
Animation: Two Gnorks play square-ball.
Song: "The Moon Shines" by Zoe and Herry.
Segment: A poem called "Night".
Bedtime Story:Scram Moon.


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2006
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I liked today's episode. They seperated the street story in like 3 parts.
I liked "A's Anatomy" and the segment with Conan O Brien doing dog sounds.
There hasn't been a Ernie and Bert sketch, Global Grover, 'This is the Game Today' segment yet in season 38 and there wasn't something else that would be in every episode since 1998 in today's episode.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2004
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wed episode

Today's episode was quite enjoyable especially since there was no Elmo's World!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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are they testing the waters so to speak no Elmo's World and running the street scen through out the whole show? Is this a sing of things to come or of things to past?