Still hate it: Day One
*On the main forum page, it tells you what sections have had latest updates, but there's no direct link to the latest update. We must sift through the thread = sloppy architecture! That little alert button, cute as it is, just doesn't cut it like the individual thread arrow buttons that took the user to the last post.
*Just navigating through this new forum on my smart phone for 5 minutes burned up 15% of the battery life and made me keep refreshing the pages in order for anything to appear.
*We can't Title posts anymore, but I guess we can just bold the first statement.
*These extra "goodies" were always available on the other board, we were just restricted from using them just like the "!!!" and the

. Tell me, why are we still limited to how many we can use?
*Each post should be more clearly separated from the one before and after it. This whole page is floating with nothing to ground it.
*And what's with the weird points and rewards? The more time I spend here, the more I'm made aware that an adult-swim forum is more appropriate for my sensibilities. I'm not in need of a gold star to celebrate how much I've posted.
*I've always appreciated the new forum because creativity came from content, ideas and external links. I really don't have the desire to mess with this page and figure it out.