Didn't see it, but a few points to make on what I've read. Jessica's dad is her manager, and he likely had all this started somehow so that's why she's probably more focused on--that and she's a whiney baby from what I've seen on her show. Had I been Nick, I would have run the other way, but apparently he likes a challenge. I also read recently that she's getting all the spotlights and shows and awards and there's some jealousy on the homefront, but I paraphrase as I have no bibliography to back that up.
Frank Oz practically quit the Muppets like around 7 years ago or so with only a once in a while visit to perform anything on SS or otherwise; most of the Muppets productions have all been voiceovers which is why his characters weren't very funny in the last couple of films. Jacobson brought Fozzie back to life again for sure and is awesome on the other Oz characters.
Another hit against the show was likely the fact that there hasn't been a variety show (or writers for such) since the late 70's/early 80's. Once that kind of programming gets back on track again such shows could be famously funny again.
On the other hand, it's really sad that the Muppets had to depend on their breif appearance on this show to determine their popularity in achieving another show of their own. Basically saying: The unpopularity anymore of Mr. T or Nick/Jessica or whoever else could delay or deny the Muppets of their true calling.