I went with my two nieces and one of my nephews and my sister to see "Muppets Most Wanted" Sunday afternoon after church and it was great!!!
The kids all seemed to enjoy the movie and they had lots of questions about plot points afterwards. It was quite interesting to hear their conversation. I don't remember all of it, but I know my nieces were a bit confused about Bobby Benson's Baby Band members being criminals. That was interesting to see the babies as criminals indeed- but still, it was awesome to see those characters in there and actually have lines!
For myself, I totally loved the movie! It was great to see the tie-in from "The Muppets" at the start and then see "Muppets Most Wanted" progress from there.
And there were so many in-jokes for fans- like Kermit acknowledging that people tend to think the sequel movie is never quite as good. But that whole "We're Making A Sequel" number was great- that was actually fairly reminiscent of the "Hey! A Movie" song from "The Great Muppet Caper" as well, come to think of it.
There were a number of great songs in the movie- the opening was good and I also enjoyed "The Big House" song. It was really funny to hear the prison guys covering a Boyz II Men song- one of my favorites from that group too.

I think the "Something So Right" song was another great emotional ballad type song, similar to "Man or Muppet" from "The Muppets" movie. And of course, it was great to hear "Together Again" (Again) in the movie!!! Those were some highlights for me, but I really enjoyed all of the music. It will take a few more listens for me to really remember them all really well though.
(It was also fun to hear Miss Piggy do "The Macarena" too- and Scooter's "Moves Like Jagger" though I really am not familiar with this song.)
The plot was funny enough and it was pretty interesting too. The gags with Dominic Badguy (pronounced Bad-gee- lol) and Constantine (My name first...then space bar, space bar, space bar...your name)- there were some funny bits there. And it was hilarious seeing Sam the American Eagle and Jean Pierre going back and forth- that was a funny part of the movie. The badge comparison scene was great. There were a number of gags that just felt like classic Muppet jokes and gags- so I really loved that.
There were plenty of human cameos, in keeping with tradition from most all of the movies and that was funny for the ones I recognized. There were others I didn't really recognize and don't really care about- it doesn't matter so much to me. But it's nice that that tradition is maintained.
I also LOVED the in joke references from

when he mentions that this is the 7th. sequel to their original movie. Yes!!! I'm glad they acknowledged that for the hardcore Muppet fans. And the bit about Fozzie reciting the plot of "The Muppets" about introducing Walter and Kermit asking if he'd even watched their last film.

And one of my favorites was when they acknowledged was another one involving Walter. Now I will say- I've definitely gotten to like this character, but it's interesting that he had one of the bigger supporting roles in the movie.
I'm not sure that I like that Fozzie Bear was called dumb in the movie and that no one but Animal figured out that it wasn't Kermit- but then, the movie wouldn't have worked otherwise. But at least they acknowledged that too.
Anyway- one of my favorite references was when they mentioned that they had slighted other well known and loved characters that had been around a lot longer in these movies- with Rizzo himself giving that line and then having him call Robin by name and Robin getting a quick line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited to see both of them there and for them both to finally have quick lines even if it was for a joke.

I'd love to see both of them back to larger roles in future projects.
And that's of course, one of my favorite things with the movie- I don't recall anyone from "The Muppets" that didn't show up here- if anything, they added more characters and that's what I love to see.
Just to name a few that I recall offhand- I remember seeing Mildred Huxtetter in there! Yes! Sure, she didn't say anything, but it was still great to see her, even if just in the background. Annie Sue was there! Sweetums, The Bossmen, The Flying Zucchini Brothers! (and they even got a line.) Link Hogthrob had some great lines!!!!! And Dr. Julius Strangepork was there with him. I think I saw Andy and Randy Pig in there for a brief moment. Rowlf

still got some lines and Scooter

got like a bunch of lines!
Of course, Kermit

and Miss Piggy

are generally going to have the most lines, but I'm glad to see others get a good number of lines. Animal, Fozzie and Walter got their share of course- and so did Gonzo

, but it felt like he didn't get quite as much this time. (But he did get to do an indoor running of the bulls act and that was great fun to see.) And I'm pretty sure I saw Camilla

there with him. Oh yes- and Sam the American Eagle got a huge part and that was awesome since he's one of my favorite characters!

(I did find it a bit odd that he wasn't actually there as part of The Muppet Show touring cast and all, but if any character were to be used for that role, he was the perfect choice and it worked fine. And he even called them all "weirdos". haha.)
The Electric Mayhem didn't seem to get as much lines, but at least they were all there- Floyd, Janice, Zoot, Dr. Teeth, Animal- and Lips!!!!!!!!!!

Pepe the King Prawn got some lines and it was nice to see him have a few more than just the one line he got in "The Muppets" (even though that was a funny bit.)

And the fireworks in the end credits were great fun too- and it was neat seeing Sweetums

and Fozzie

there in the end credits as well. Bunsen and Beaker got their share of lines too.

And the Swedish Chef- his line in the opening song was pretty hilarious too.

And Lew Zealand

and Crazy Harry

both got utilized quite a bit! So did The Muppet Newsman!

And Beauregard's scenes on the train were funny- though it seemed a bit random for him to suddenly get hit in the head so many times. A funny gag, but it felt like it just came out of nowhere...

And the penguins were there!

Statler and Waldorf had their share of heckle jokes as well.
And Marvin Suggs and his Muppaphones were there! And I was glad to see Wayne and Wanda were still there. And Uncle Deadly and Bobo were paired up again- cool! Glad to see them back in there. I wonder if that's going to be the next Muppet odd couple pairing? (As we've had a couple of times in the past- the ultimate classic one being Bert

and Ernie

from "Sesame Street" of course- but also Pepe the King Prawn and Seymour from "Muppets Tonight" and Gonzo and Rizzo in "The Muppet Christmas Carol", "Muppet Classic Theater" and "Muppet Treasure Island" and "Muppets from Space". (To some degree, perhaps, on "Muppets Tonight".)
And yes- Pops showed up and had a quick line- great!
And once again, we got to hear a number of references to "The Muppet Show" theme song (including hearing it performed in Spanish) and to Kermit's classic "Bein' Green" song.
I also noticed Beautiful Day Monster there and Behemoth and Thog- great to see them still included. And Angel Marie was there as well! Nice! And it was neat to see Miss Poogy already get incorporated either as a different character or just in a different kind of role (I couldn't quite tell)- but it's cool to see some of "The Muppets" characters being added to the Muppets' repertoire and being put in the mix. Speaking of which, I saw Zach Galifanakis and the hobo Muppets showed up again too- that was kinda neat.
And I guess the Leprechaun Muppets were pretty much the only new Muppets to show up in the movie- wonder if we'll see them again at some point?
I'm pretty sure I saw Afghan Hound in there too- and there are probably other background characters I'm forgetting.
I'd love to see other monsters return- like Luncheon Counter Monster, Shakey Sanchez, Splurge, Mean Mama, Timmy Monster, Gorgon Heap and others...I also like the background characters from "The Muppet Show" and other productions that never said much- like Gaffer the Cat and Brewster the Guru.....but what about other, bigger roles, like Hilda or George the Janitor? It would have been great to see George sitting next to Mildred on the train.
And I do believe I saw a Scrlapp Flyapp (I may be off on the spelling there) show up... those kind of characters are really great to see... also- maybe I'm missing them, but what about the Frackles? I'd love to see those on there- Droop and/or Snivelly and Boppity and others.
There is always room for some others to appear, but overall- the movie did a great job of balancing a lot of characters and I really enjoyed it!
I can't wait to get this movie on DVD when it gets released and I hope it will help spur the release of "The Muppet Show" Seasons 4 and 5 on DVD finally! (And I would also gladly welcome further Muppet movies of course.)
Yay for The Muppets!