Just got back from a late-night showing after 12 hours of teaching and here I am....
Let me do things I liked first--that will be better.
That's good
Walk near the deserted street near the canal? Kermit isn't really this dumb.
I thought the same....,,Really,Kermit?Near the canal and alone??Really!?!"
It pained me a great deal that nobody actually noticed that Kermit was gone. Much has been made over the fact that Kermit is the one who kept the Muppets together, and Piggy is the one who kept
Kermit together but they seemed to have forgotten this. This also paints all of Kermit's friends and cast and crew members as amazingly self-absorbed and selfish. Didn't they all work their tails off to come when he needed them in the last movie? How can you love someone if you don't know them?
Yea!Especially the ones who are really intelligent(sorry,dumb creatures)like Dr.Bunsen and beaker.How can they not notice that Kermit is not Kermit??
One of the funniest moments for me was when Kermit enlists the help of ALL the Muppets to get the ring off Piggy's finger.
Oh yes!How they all take beaker in his attracting bomb suit and piggy!

poor beaker
Ty Burrell, on the other hand, is absolutely AWESOME. Sam looked particularly wonderful, too--plushy and fluffy and handsome.
Yes,they are awesome!
Piggy's clothes were fab, but what on earth happened to her hair. Can you SERIOUSLY see Piggy getting married with dish-water blond hair? Her hair was bad in every scene except the scenes where she wore it down in platinum blond curls. The rest looked like mail-order wigs. Sorry, Piggy--fire your hairdresser. You do not--under any circumstances--need hair that restrained. You need wild riots of curls that vibrate with passion when you are angry.
Oh really?I didn't realize that...Bad Ami
Kermit was very warm with the prisoners who were trying to be in the show. Ironically, the REAL Kermit usually isn't that nice. On TMS, Kermit could be incredibly snarky, and he had no trouble nixing acts he thought were terrible--be they Piggy's, Scooter's, Fozzie's, Animal's or Lew's. While it was
funny to have Kermit say, "If any of you have a problem with
that, well--
my door is always open!" Actually, Kermit would have told them all to shape up and audition. Also, about the "my door is always open" line....Um...no it's not. You're in prison, Sweet Pea.
Oh yea,Sweetie

Many lew's or what?

What about Beaker's,Janice's....?
To me, one of the funniest lines in the movie was Constantine's "The bear, the leetle girl and the dog have run away" (meaning Fozzie, Walter and Animal) was one of the funniest things in the movie. I giggled like a mad fiend.
Walter is a girl,Walter is a girl!!!With a little dressie
Like Slackbot, I, too, wondered why Piggy didn't kick Celine Dion out of HER song--at one point, there are TWO of Celine singing. Why? Why, exactly? Piggy's introspection was good, but perhaps too little, too late.
That's my song,Celine!Hiii-yaaa!
I wanted Kermit to spoil the wedding.
Lol yes

But then everything comes different...
Hope I've not spoiled any of the fun for any one--I tried really hard to be both honest and fair.
You was really fair,thanks!