So I FINALLY, FINALLY, got MMW on bluray today. Yaaaaay!

all I have to say is I laughed way more in the extended version then in the theatrical release. So cool to see the songs in their full form. Although I do agree the instrumental part for "we're doing a sequel" was quite boring. My bag of popcorn was done in the microwave before that.

I loved Kermit's melt down and him going off at Ray
Liotta eyeballing him was priceless. I thought that was a MS moment. It's rare we get to see Steve's Kermit fly off the handle so this was a nice touch. The scene where Constantine is explaining why he proposed to Piggy was great. Why that was cut in the theatrical version I'll never know that would've added so much more to the plot. And you really get to see Piggy question if this is really Kermit. Out of all the scenes that should've been kept in.
Kermit regurgitating that key omg I was so grossed out by that. Ewww!
As for the blooper reel I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I liked TM's one better. Because god forbid you actually show the puppeteers Disney!!! Are kids gonna be that traumatized?! But other then that I just enjoyed this movie more and more each time. And the extended version just added to the enjoyment. My heart just breaks that it didn't do better. But don't give up on them Disney!!! I'll never go back to watching the theatrical version. The extended version definitely makes up for the lack of bonus features.
And can I just say don't get me wrong all of the puppeteers did phenomenal jobs but I just can't praise Steve enough he is just brilliant. He really pushes the limits with Kermit in this film particularly during the helicopter scene.
I mean I could sit here and knit pick at things but there would be no point. All in all 9/10. Def worth the 25.00 I paid for it.