I liked it, I liked it a
lot. My wife
VED it. Here's my quick thoughts:
Eric's characters sound identical to Franks. Sam was fantastic. I'm still gonna' be a little picky on his puppeteering. It's good, don't get me wrong, just a little stiff.
Frank and Jerry tribute? I thought I heard "Frances Ozkowitz" over the PA in the airport, but I read on Muppet Wiki Jerry had a tribute too. Help? (sorry if I missed it in this thread). I'd love to know what Frank thinks of all these tributes. (Why no Jim tributes though? Do they really want to try and just get Frank back?)
That was
Paul Williams! The head elf! Fantastic!
Floyd sounded great, Robin sounded okay. I've said it before; whoever the new guy doing Jerry's characters is, he's really good, I just miss Jerry.
Scooter is fantastic. I loved Rudman's performance in Studio DC, I loved it here. Great work.
Bill Baretta is the best thing to happen to The Muppets since Jim and Richard's deaths. I saw in the credits he was puppet captain.
Just a couple negatives:
Why was
Beau only sweeping in the background... he couldn't say
Kevin? Is Clifford completely fazed out? He may not be my favorite Muppet, but I think he belongs in there.
All in all, my feelings are this: The Muppets will
never be the same without Jim ever again, that's one point I'm just not going to argue. However, for the first time ever in my life, I feel this is something he'd be proud of. I like to picture Jim looking down from Heaven with a smile and just going "Hmm..." in silent appreciation.