Hi Everyone!
I'm new to the forums here, but not new to Henson by any stretch of the imagination! Like so many people have said ahead of me, this concert was absolutely amazing... so amazing that I just had to chime in on this topic!
All the recaps have been fabulous (and, frankly, helped jog *my* memory of events, so thanks for that, btw...). I won't do another full recap- just add a few tidbits here and there that I can recall.
I was lucky to get tickets for both performances today with my husband. We're huge fans of Fraggle Rock, so seeing Red, Uncle Matt and (I heard it mentioned- the recently rebuilt?) Wembley was fan-tastic!

A few things I can remember for you fellow Fraggle lovers:
1) Uncle Matt was narrating 'facts' about "Carnegie Cave" to Red and Wembley in his usual fractured style. Mention of it being a large Doozer construction completed 6 weeks ago, used as a summer home for Ma and Pa Gorg (IIRC).
2) To test if it was a Doozer construction or not, Wembley started nibbling on the railing (for the record... it didn't taste good!)
3) To the best of my memory, (and my scribbling in the dark) the medley was:
"Follow Me"/"Pass it On"/"Workin'"/"Let Me Be Your Song"/"Wemblin' Song"/"Closing Theme" <-- Red sang the Gobo parts in "Wemblin'" and Matt sang lead on "Let Me Be Your Song"
4) The image of Jim holding Cantus was hilarious and touching at the same time. Uncle Matt: "Cantus is being kidnapped by a Silly Creature!"
I also wanted to add on the sound issue- 12:30
was pretty bad, but they
did get things ironed out for 3:30. Actually, it seemed in general
everything went smoother the second go-around.
Oh! Also, a great little ad-lib in the second show-- during "Rubber Ducky" the squeaks weren't coming through on the microphone, so Kevin Clash was making Elmo "SQUEAKY-SQUEAK!" in place of them. This happened in both performances, but during the second one, Steve Whitmire... "altered" the lyrics a bit (making Kevin crack up):
"Rubber Ducky, joy of joys!
When I squeeze you, Elmo makes noise!"
I'll post more if I can think of anything!