I was pleasantly suprised to see Kermit by the Christmas tree when I got up this morning, my mother was successful in obtaining him through E-Bay...he's so COOL!
The collar is kinda low, which suprised me (I didn't really look at the pics of the replica in the review for it here on the site because it would be all too tempting to buy him...don't have to worry about that anymore

), and his neck seems kinda short and squished (which I think may be the result of posing done by the previous owner, don't know) and I'm tempted to try and attempt to stretch it to a more normal look but am afraid of damaging him in the process. Still, he looks so cool!
Regardless of little nitpicks, he's still so awesome to see sitting next to Gonzo *geeks out*!
I really hope they release Fozzie, I'd buy him in a heartbeat for my sister and we'd probably have a field-day posing them and taking pics.