I bought the DVD as well thinking it was one of the specials like "Christmas Eve On Sesame Street". Boy, was I wrong. I prefer EW: Happy Holidays WAY more the A S.S. Christmas. That may alsp be because I grew up on seasons 31-34 of SS, and am a fan of EW, unlike many other people.

I consider season 31 of EW classic (as well as Happy Holidays from season 32) and that's it. From Season 32 on, I became more of a


fan. I still love Classic Elmo though.
And to
SuperGzilla12, your review was just.. awesome! I was almost choking when she opened the present. Aw, that's nt true. Kyle Brofloski sure does! I fell off my bed laughing! I subscribed to you and I planned on reviewing EW: Happy Holiday until I found out that the DVD was broken. Could someone post Happy Holidays online? I REALLY wanna do a review on it.